[ private; hackable ]
Geez... Moko-chan is gone... Misa-Misa wanted to buy her a gift for Christmas, just like Moko-chan had bought one for Misa-Misa last year... Misa-Misa misses Moko-chan already!
Moko-chan! Wherever you are, have a wonderful New Year! Misa-Misa will never forget you~
[ /private ]Misa-Misa hopes everyone had great holidays!
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Comments 31
That really is some bad luck, remembering your birthday a week late.
Isn't it? It's awful! Misa-Misa is now really angry at the island!
*holds up one finger* Thanks for the tie.
*holds up two fingers* ...Is this "Moko-chan" you're referring to possibly...Mokona-sensei?
(( I can't. Believe. I've never had them interract. Sh-she has shinigami eyes...!! This will be fun. GINKO'S NAME ABOVE HIS HEAD IS "YOKI". 8DDDD No idea what his lifespan is, I won't know if Ginko dies until the last volume of the manga comes out next summer aaaaah ))
And of course she is! Wow, Misa-Misa had no idea Moko-chan was a teacher...
[[ I can't believe that either but YAY~ <3
... On a completely unrelated note, YOU HAVE BEEN SPOTTED. well technically it was my sister who found you there but whatever AND YOU SHOULD KNOW WHERE. BECAUSE YOU MENTIONED SOMETHING ABOUT NOT WANTING TO BE FOUND THERE. And it was Ginko's account, yes. OHOHOHO~ >D ]]
Mokona-sensei taught music at the local school for close to 2 years.
(( ;n f;asg;ahgab;hrh;a;mttgertesa YEAH BASICALLY PRETTY MUCH *clears throat* s-so, isn't that nice, yes, yes it is. lovely. what a wonderful time we're having indeed...! 8D;;;;; LOL could you imagine me sending Vash there, oh god i don't think i could be forgiven, never ever XDDD ))
Well, Misa-Misa didn't know that! But even so, Moko-chan was Misa-Misa's friend!
[[ hey, if you expect someone to judge you for that, IT CERTAINLY WON'T BE ME. 83 mostly because. i'm not even old enough to play there. XD BUT YEAH, sending Vash there could be. NEARLY. as bad as. me sending Ren there. 8D;;; ]]
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