Yuna and Veola
Desai University ]
The girl seemed unable to sit still. Ever since she had arrived in Desai it was non-stop back and forth. Some of her things still remained in the main lobby as she hurriedly tried to gather them up and return them to her room on the first floor. She hadn't even really sat down to converse with her room mate very much yet -- well, besides her short messages to her over the network.
Just as she had promised she had laid out her gift on the table in their shared room. It wasn't much, really -- just a few baked goods from home. She had chosen cookies for this occasion. Besaid was usually known for it's wonderfully colourful tapestries and fabrics but... that wasn't really the type of gift that you brought for a room mate, was it?
Sighing, Yuna pulled along her last trunk into the room. As soon as she was on her side of the living space, she lifted her arms, and collapsed into a sitting position on the trunk. Well, now there was just the unpacking to do, right?