i saw harry potter yesterday. i was really good. then my brother and i played DDR lol it was great! i havent played in forever but i didnt fail anysong.. he picked the songs... and of course he picked the maz one thats like 300 BMP and i was like crap lol but i passed with a D lol on light. he passed with like a B. but it was fun. and my right
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today was great..kyle wasnt there tho.. that was sad. but i wore my black dress and britt brought this sweater thingie that i wore and all teh guys were like o0o0o0o0 and i was like you aint getting any lol it was great! i just wish kyle would have been there. cuz then i would of had him to talk to. in choir mr. h made the guys stand infront of the
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the the last two nights were the musical. it was the greatest! we had so many people the first night, but some of the mics werent working so they couldnt really hear the funy parts. friday after the musical Eric flecke AKA conrad birdie lol made reservations at logans for everyone. we got there and were put in the garage... the first thing that
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so i pretty much got tired of cj hanging out with me all weekend and the not talking to me during the week. he was like i never made any promises or comitments to you, and he said he likes hanging out with me outside of school but during school its weird. i was like yea i understand. so basically were just friends, no matter how much we flirt at
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so this weekend pretty much rocked lol friday i went over allysa and amandas house and we went to the movies with court, cindy and steph. we saw dreamer.. omg it was so cute!!!!!! then i stayed the night at their house and we went to the barn and i helped with the sewer drain a little lol with my great idea to get shelleys hose lol. then we went
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lvish Girl988: hehe i'm going to curl my hair for tomorrow! Raizncain: sweet Elvish Girl988: so yea thats one thing that you cant do!!! haha i win! Raizncain: i can curl my hair but it won't look good
Raizncain: lots of love
hehe hes so cute, i used to have a crush on him last year... i kinda still think hes cute, but i still like paul hehe
so cj didnt seem to cheery today. he was sitting with vicky at the school and he had to get up to open the door for me cuz they were locked i was like thanks and he was like no problem but like not in a very nice tone. hes suck a fuckin prick. i'll tell him tomorrow that hes being an ass. i'll se what he says.. cu zits not just going to be like oh
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