Christmas Meme

Dec 09, 2008 02:05

A Christmas Meme stolen from lionille

1. What's your favorite kind of Christmas cookie?
I'm growing fond of Anna's- they are a Swedish ginger cookie. I hate sugar cookies. I like to make them but they are nasty.

2. What's your best childhood memory of Christmas?
Well you should know I have a tradition of my own- I stay up until my parents go to bed, then I would sneak down and inspect the presents, then I would go back upstairs and read, write, and "day dream" until it was acceptable to go wake my parents up. One year I went and checked on my brother too and he came back to my room and crawled into my bed with me and we whispered and were just friends all night and then we went to wake the parents. My brother and I didn't get along very well by that point in our lives and things are just now getting better, but that was my favorite.

3. Real tree or fake?
I prefer real and my parents still use real but mine is fake. You can't have a real one in the flatblock I am in- besides it's pre-lit which is SOOOO easy.

4. Do you enjoy wrapping the gifts you buy for others?
Sometimes. I like the perfection in wrapped gifts but I usually get impatient and make my husband do it. I hate gift bags.

5. How many different wrapping paper designs do you have right now?
3! Because my MIL gave them to us...

6. Do you put Christmas lights up where your neighbors or passersby can see them? What kind?
Nah, I'm too lazy. I like looking at the though!

7. Does your family have any weird traditions you simply must do every year?
Nothing that I consider weird... my father's family always meets a couple of weeks before Christmas to celebrate and then we go to my mom's family on Christmas Day. Last Christmas Eve my brother, his girlfriend, myself, my then fiance, and my parents all exchanged gifts and decorated cookies which was very crazy and messy but I don't think we're making it a tradition.

8. Do you or your family go to mass or church services on Christmas Eve?
I have and I like it a lot- but not regularly.

9. How many Christmas music CDs do you own? Which is your favorite?
Quite a few, the husband likes Christmas music a lot. We got a new one this year called Holiday. It was from Kohls and was a donation CD for St. Judes. It's a mixed CD and I really like it.

10. Do you have Christmas lights in your bedroom that you run all night?
I did in college.

11. How the Grinch Stole Christmas or A Charlie Brown Christmas?
How the Grinch Stole Christmas

12. Have you ever tried to make Divinity from scratch? Did it turn out?
No. Never eaten it either.

13. What kind of gift would you prefer: big and expensive or unique and thoughtful?
I'm a gift-whore. I don't like big and expensive or nessecarily thoughtful- I like a lot of packages to open. That's right- quantity not quality.

14. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Christmas morning.

15. Do you or your family have stockings? Do you really hang them on the fireplace mantel? Is your stocking unique?
We don't have a mantle now. But yes, we have stockings!

16. How many times have you seen White Christmas?
I don't think I've ever seen it...

17. Do you get your shopping done as early as possible, or do you enjoy waiting until the last day?
I would like to get things done early, but I usually put it off.

18. Should fudge have nuts in it? What kind of nuts are best?
Noooooooo! But peanuts are the best.

19. If you have pets, do you buy them Christmas gifts too?
Well I haven't before but this year Emmett is getting a doggie bed

20. Have you ever performed in a Christmas play in school or church? If so, what part did you play or sing?
I'm sure I was but I don't remember.

21. What is the strangest Christmas gift you've ever received? Do you still have it?
A weeny-warmer. And no, I don't. It was a White Elephant that was recycled the next year. Second in line would be a spoon- just a regular mixing spoon and yes, I have it still.

22. What is the best gift you've ever received?
My first Christmas with my BFF she got me a gift-package of Harry Potter stuff, including a Harry Potter mug with Harry sitting under the Hat. It makes me grin.

23. Do you usually travel to see relatives over the holidays?

24. Do you ever feel depressed by the Christmas season?

25. If you're in a relationship and have children, are your celebrations a blend of your respective traditions or have you made your own?
We don't have children so I don't know- but we seem to just be blending other traditions... Oh! Decorating on Black Friday is our new tradition!


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