I'm having an acute sense of how the world is an unjust place. Seriously, it turns my stomach. I want to scream, or just blast energy out of every cell in my body
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I have determined that I definitely have a dark side, which only a few individuals are exposed to. Lately I've become very well acquainted with this occult segment of my personality; having finally come to terms with the fact that I'm single, I have rediscovered my former inclination toward introspection, and am curious to define it
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Pulled an all-nighter last night. Finishing my term paper. Yes I'm very well aware I had all vacation. But for some reason it's like I can't do anything to stop myself. I don't want to do it this way. But seriously, what the hell is wrong with me
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Well, the worst is over. I don't know how the steps or any of this work; shock, denial, anger, self-loathing, false hope and what have you, but I'm through most of them and I'm recovering
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The mind must have two layers. I felt awful today. I was melancholy and shaking from physical and emotional exhaustion. But somehow the purity of that feeling felt nice. It's curious, feeling happy about how sad you are. And now I'm thogoughly worn out and apathetic
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Starting to feel rejuvenated...the proper application of stimuli is bringing my mind back around. I think I'm working my way back up to where I started. Bradbury and Miyazaki, walking home amid windy spring afternoons, requisite solitude. I'm pondering the nature of the universe again, or at least starting to. How satisfying
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First walk home of the year. A little cold, but livable. I used to have a psychological exercise I'd put myself through; I'd tell myself that cold was only a bad thing if you thought of it that way. I found that when you let go of all negative connotations about being cold, your muscles all relaxed, and the wind was no longer unpleasant. The stigma
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