Title: Anthropomorphic
the_tenzo Character(s): Rory Williams, Eleven (implied Doctor/Rose, Amy/Rory)
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: ~1500
Spoilers: Set prior to The Hungry Earth (5x08)
Summary: Rory Williams knows there is a ghost on the TARDIS.
A/N: Another fic written for the
doctor_rose_fix -athon.
cainangrey prompted "Rose is a data ghost on the TARDIS. Rory keeps
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Comments 60
I love this, I really do. I love the description of the Doctor from Rory's point of view -- wondering just what sort of man he really was, getting a glimpse of the Doctor's past. I love how the Doctor interacted with the ghost of Rose.
I love just... everything about this. I really do.
I'll stop flailing now but... this fic has been in my head ALL DAY. That's how good it is.
I feel like I'm sort of wrestling with who Eleven is, and Rory's POV is helping me along there (which is why I am so ecstatic that we get to keep him!).
Also, I just watched PotW again and started bawling when she finally opens the TARDIS. Hot damn, this show. So much love.
This took my breath away.
You have rendered me monosyllabic!
I have a huge love for Rory, though this is the first time I've given writing him a go. I love that he's the one who runs to help people when they're injured, even the "little people" who just were in the wrong place at the wrong time. That was the same quality I always admired in Rose, so it figures I'd be a sucker for Rory, too.
I do very much hope that Moffat does write a happily married couple in the TARDIS. Like, I hope he doesn't have them arguing all the time or nagging each other constantly like married couples are so often portrayed in the media. It's kind of a sore spot for me because I have been very, very happily married for ten years and my marriage is nothing like that snarky/naggy/brink-of-divorce-at-all-times BS you see on TV so much.
Whoa, rant! Sorry! Back on track: Thank you so much for reading and for your lovely feedback. :D
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