Jul 23, 2006 12:59
How is it that nobody is awake, over 18, sober and licensed in newark at 3 am?!
Jul 13, 2006 13:31
I ran across Newark to take a secret poop and dove in the waterfall creek.
I love summer nights.
K Mart better watch its back.
Jun 16, 2006 23:38
I had to contact someone at UD because I missed the math test deadline and I needed my password containing the word poop e-mailed to me.
And instead of taking it now I'm watching a Drew Barrymore Goes to Highschool movie.
Jun 12, 2006 11:42
Senior week was a non-stop people in and out party. It was extra tight because it was at my house. I used my flask once or twice; doesn't mean I didn't fulfill my goal of consistent inebriation. Time to get this party started (after grammy makes my oatmeal)!
Can't wait to see everyone at UD next year.
May 18, 2006 19:59
A promising philosophy: WHO GIVES A FUCK?!
I wanna jam it wit you.
Apr 03, 2006 22:46
What do you do when you get suspended? Go to the beach!
Mar 16, 2006 00:51
And Reggie can just be my boyfriend; not husband.
I think suddenly my layout is different.
Mar 14, 2006 23:06
Bryan Mae is my new husband. If Freddy Mercury were still alive, he would be too.
Good show.
I may have spelled Bryan Mae wrong.
Mar 09, 2006 13:42
I love working at K Mart, where the Skittles and Party Bites are at my finger tips.