Well, another weekend here, another week down. Those were a couple crappy, busy weeks. Each student in my Math 421 class has to take turns teaching 3 lectures. Last week were my 3 lectures. I have no problem doing public speaking, in fact I enjoy it, but after about the second lecture I lost interest in teaching the class. Plus I had to use a
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Well. This journal always seems to bear the brunt of my sad news. My gf of 2 and a half years, and I just broke up. That's all I'll really say about it. We're both relieved and sad. She may be more sad than I. I don't really know... Sort of just in an "emo" mood now. Stupid feelings...
Alright, so I was mucking about, and I determined that I haven't updated my journal in 26 weeks. That's roughly 6 months. In fact, 26 weeks IS half a year. This I found quite depressing, because a lot has happened in the past 6 months, and I have not updated this site once. I really SHOULD update on here more often. I am entirely stifling my
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Holy bejesus. It has been a long while since I've put down any semblance of a real journal update. Everytime I think of it, I always say "naw... too lazy". Besides, not much ever actually happens that is the least bit interesting. "OMG! LYK I GOT SOOO DRUNK! LOL!!! aNd I ToTalLy GoT wIth ThIs HoT GuY!" ...I'm so glad I don't talk like that
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Ack. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. Lots of midterms, assignemnts, radio shows, and general slackery. Highlights include my comic being put into our university paper, buying a tonne of cds at our radio station's cd garage sale, and becoming... curious into certain things that I was previously not curious about before. But wait, there's more
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Alright, so I sort of have a website
up and running now. It is, at this point, solely for my radio
show, but I hope to expand it somewhat. If you go there, be sure
to vote in the Pick-A-Punk, and then listen to see who wins ;)