(no subject)

Sep 10, 2005 23:54

Music: Elton John -

When are you gonna come down
When are you going to land
I should have stayed on the farm
I should have listened to my old man

You know you can't hold me forever
I didn't sign up with you
I'm not a present for your friends to open
This boy's too young to be singing the blues

So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You can't plant me in your penthouse
I'm going back to my plough

Back to the howling old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh I've finally decided my future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road

What do you think you'll do then
I bet that'll shoot down your plane
It'll take you a couple of vodka and tonics
To set you on your feet again ;)

Maybe you'll get a replacement
There's plenty like me to be found
Mongrels who ain't got a penny
Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground

So, that’s it. I am outta here. I have been so incredibly busy this past month that I haven’t gotten to do much of anything except pack. The 31st was my last day at work, last weekend I performed a wedding in Corvallis and this week has just been a frantic whirlwind, but everything has worked out. I am not much of a coordinator so making sure everyone was where they were supposed to be and when has been a bit of a strain on my wee brains. Tonight was my last night out on the town, it was short since it was at the Vogue and I don’t like some of the people there but it was enough of a farewell for me.
Clark has fallen for Aubra and decided to sell the house and get something out in the country, I saw this as a perfect opportunity to get out of Seattle and start anew. I’ve had the most unlucky 5 years here, from jobs to relationships to living situations its been a non stop struggle; and with events from this past year I have had enough and it’s time to get lost. Lies, cheating, betrayal, sycophants, friends backstabbing friends. Most of it reads like some kind of soap opera performed by a bunch of high school students. I have been hurt by the ones that I have trusted the most and it gets exhausting tolerating the intolerable day after day.
On a brighter side some friends have shown their true colors. Individuals who are not content to just let things be and stand up and be true when they see something is wrong rather then just sit back and be apathetic. One of the funny things about that is that they were the ones who I pegged almost from the start as individuals who had those qualities within them. I got a few surprises here and there but overall these were the ones who I truly considered friends. I will stay in touch with them and I am sure that no matter what we will stand by each other.
Lori has been unbelievable in putting up with me; she has seen me at my worst and I hope that she will get to see me at my best. Her loyalty and stead fast conviction has astounded me and actually make me feel like a person that matters again rather then a used piece of shit. This city is full of my mistakes and reminders of it, I’m not sure where I’ll end up exactly and I don’t really care; all I know is that I will be happier living away from Seattle.
My e-mail has been fucked up for weeks now so it has been deleted. Jason@zalem.com will no longer work and the home phone, well… I won’t be here. The only way to get a hold of me for a while will be by my cell # only. So, I got my wish. I get to find someplace new. Good luck to my friends and watch your back; it’s a very unfriendly world out there full of people who will do you wrong just to satisfy their own urges.