Once a king or queen in Narnia, always a king or queen

Aug 18, 2006 20:26

1. Name: Amy Denise
2. Date of birth: June 17, 1985
3. Location and all the places you've lived: Born in Hialeah, raised in Carol City, moved to Country Club of Miami, moved back to Hialeah, moved to Southwest Ranches, moved to Sunrise, and currently in Orlando area. So Florida my entire life.

4. Reason(s) for joining this community: I've been a fan of the Chronicles since I was a wee youngin', and to be quite honest, I'm addicted to stamping/rating communities.
5. How many of the books have you read? All seven, numerous times. Sometimes I'll read them in chronological order, sometimes in order of publishment. Whatever suits my mood.
6. Which book(s) are your favourite? Least favourite? Why? Favorite would probably be a tie between Last Battle and Dawn Treader. I just loved that (especially towards the endings of both books) they were so hugely important but in very slight & subtle ways. (If that makes any sense.) Least favorite would probably be Magician's Nephew, only because Jadis comes across as a bit too cartoonish at times.
7. Who are some of your favourite characters and why? Aside from the obvious (Aslan), one of my all time favorites is Mr. Tumnus. He just came across as someone I could easily relate to (despite my having feet rather than hooves). I've also been a long time Edmund fan.
8. Who are some of your least favourite characters? Why? I'm probably gonna get killed for this, but neither Puddleglum or Reepicheep were ever liked by me. And really, I couldn't give you a reason why. I just never liked 'em.

9. Your occupation in life: I work full time as Customer Service/Office Staff for Publix Supermarkets. Fun times indeed.
10. What are some of your interests and hobbies? I'm hugely into music, whether it's listening to it (everything from showtunes to novelty rap, rock anthems to opera), playing it (I play both flute/piccolo and tuba), or mentally disecting it. I also read a ton of books, on occasion I might write, and devote my life to movies and the internet.

11. If you had a choice between ending the world or saving your entire family, what would you choose? Why or why not? [If you choose to let the world live, then you're entire family would be slaughtered slowly and painfully.] Believe it or not, this is a tough question. It would really depend on the circumstances. Why am I forced to make this decision? Is the world really in such peril that my judgement will affect all future events? If I did choose the world over my family, would they understand why I came to that conclusion and forgive/agree with me? It's not exactly an either/or answer.

12. Let's take it back to Adam and Eve basics -- would you eat the apple? Why or why not? Again, it's impossible to know unless you're actually faced with the decision. I mean, this is Satan trying to entice you into doing something, and if you have no knowledge of right and wrong, how firm would you be in your belief? I'd like to think that I wouldn't, but I could never really say.

13. What are some of your main pet peeves? Slow drivers, having nothing worth watching on the TV, trying to deal with slow/arrogant/in-all-other-terms-unlikable customers at work, not being fully believed.

14. What is your heritage? [Not that this has any bearings on what or who we stamp you as, Narnia Rating doesn't discriminate. We coo' wit all y'all colors.] Mainly I'm of Scottish decent, from both sides of my family (Clan Davidson from my mother, and Clans Fraser and Stuart from my father, though I mainly claim myself a Fraser (represent!)), next would be Polish (mother's parents), German (no idea), French (again, no clue), a bit of Welsh (father's mother, I think), and more recently Native American (some sources say Cherokee, some say Blackfoot; also from my father's mother).

15. What era do you wish you were from, or ever dreamed about visiting? The 17/1800s. Men were real men, women were either real women or totally kicked it to the curb (some times both!), adventure was sought on the high seas and across the vast uncharted wilderness of North America, crimes were terrible and heroes became mythic. Some of the greatest stories history has to offer were born at that time.

16. If you were a ruler of a formidable empire, but there was another kingdom not so formidable in battle but higher in power and rank, would you be content to live under them? Why or why not? It would depend on how this other not-so-formidable kingdom was ran. If I agreed with it's political/social/economic views, then sure, why not?

17. Is it sometimes okay to cheat in games and sports? Even just a tiny bit, and the captain of the other team cheated worse than you'd think was possible to get away with? Why or why not? If we're talk college footbal, why yes, I believe it is. Really, the whole point of sports is to beat the other team. No one plays to lose.

18. What kind of books do you like to read besides the Chronicles? What are your favourites of these books? I like fantasy (pretty much anything Tolkien wrote, Peter Pan, The NeverEnding Story, The Princess Bride, the Harry Potter series, etc.), any sort of collection or reference on mythology, baby name books (I use them as references for when I'm writing), anything written by Douglas Adams, and Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris.

19. Name a few of your favourite movies. Freaks, dir. by Tod Browning, (I've had a life long fascination with circus/side show performers, and this movie does a great job at bringing that whole world to life); Babe, dir. by Chris Noonan, (yes, it's that movie with James Cromwell and the talking pig; I hated it as a kid, but over the years as I've matured it's just sort of grown on me; it's impossible for me to make it through and not completely start bawling like an infant); Finding Neverland, dir. by Marc Forster, (once again, in no way can I watch this without doing a Niagara Falls impression; I too lost my mother unexpectedly and at an early age (I was 8), so I could really connect with the Davies boys; plus, Freddie Highmore just has the most adorable eyes to ever grace celluloid!). Expect Snakes on a Plane to be up here come August 18.

20. Give yourself a label, even though we hate them. If you had to, what would it be? (ex. preppy, punky, goth, weird... etc.) Take a heapin' hunk of band nerd, mix with geek, and roll in weird. Deep fry.

21. Name a childhood hero and why they were held as such. I guess as a kid the person I held to be my biggest hero was my dad. I mean, the guy not only lost his wife way sooner than anyone should've, but he had to go on raising three girls all by himself. That's not exactly an easy task.

22. Pick five words to describe yourself: Unconventional, inconvenient, free-spirited, stubborn, recluse.

23. Name three of your strengths and three of your talents: Strengths: Words/concepts, vast knowledge of random pop culture trivia, computers; Talents: musicality, agressive driving, line-riding (it should be the next Olympic sport).

24. Name three of your weaknesses and three things you suck at: Weaknesses: math/numbers, men in kilts (*rowr*), I give up easily; Things I suck at: making small talk, going to bed when I should, saving up my money.

25. Give us a few of your favourite quotes.
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy." -Hawkeye, M*A*S*H
"Who would want to join this madness? Who will change my monogram? Who will be part of my circus? Who will love me, as I am?" -Daisy & Violet,Side Show
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" -Darth Vader, Revenge of the Sith

26. All right, this is your one chance to bribe the mods into getting stamped as whatever you want and state something wonderfully complimenting about one or both of them. >:) Umm, really, I'm not gona plead. I really want to get an honest "this is who you are" stamp. But these mods, I tell 'ya, do they know how to throw a party, or what?! That last one in Tijuana? Woo, I'm still hungover!

27. Anything else we've forgotten? Nope, I believe that's it.

28. Here, please attach at least three clear pictures of yourself.

(I'm in the middle, between my cousin and sister all decked out for the Dead Man's Chest premiere.)
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