Update on baby nephew's surgery: Still not done. My sis has been calling/emailing, but the doc ignores or is an ass to her. He told her that while my nephew is her priority, he has lots of patients and some of them have cancer. Yes, I'm sure you do, but that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk. All she wanted was an answer. The reason she's even had to keep contacting him is because for whatever reason they didn't think about a 2 year old being a pediatric patient. They acted like this was brand new information. Seriously working my nerves now. Thank goodness this isn't an emergency surgery. *knock on wood and such* There may be a consultation next week, but my sis doesn't tell us anything.
Working on my annual 13 posts of Halloween fic. I have about 6 that are typed and just need a little editing, 1 that still needs typing and editing, a couple that need to be finished before they can be typed, and a couple that I need to do to round things out. Most of the ones that were done I did in advance for just such an occassion, sadly I didn't do enough to be completely done. If only I didn't have other things to do I could knock all this stuff out of my way.
Been signing up for freebies and sweepstakes and coupons like a crazy person. So far I've won three candy bars and am expecting about 30 different samples in the mail. Yes, I'm weird. And cheap.
Neighbor girl, of the bad family, has run off. She took her paycheck and disappeared. I'd be more happy for her if she hadn't left the kid behind, but oh well. Neighbor boy has been over here to use our phone to report her missing, but the cops spoke to her and she doesn't want to come back. Since he's unemployed I'm sure the big concern for him is more the money she took than her being his twue wuv. His father, also a jackass, has had many disparaging things to say about her taking of with "his", meaning the husband's, money. Seriously, I want their whole family to just be gone now.
Thank the Lord it's rained. Seriously, drought conditions suck and I'd like there to be less danger of everything catching on fire.
Now, back to typing and then sleep.