I'm not even really a bangel gal but these make me nostalgic for the time I was, all of three years ago *lol* Adorable set! Like most people I LOVE sepia+profile (I think that's been the best icon of a lot of the sets this round) and hot; but I also like Truth for it's simplicity, and unconventional but balanced crop.
Cat 2 is lovely but 3 & 4 make me chuckle. The snowflake is brill and the tai chi scene - OMG the tai chi...
Of your AC set it's 5 that draws my eye the most - there is something incredibly poignant about that image given what we know, and the dove flying overhead - a moment of absolute peace and their linked hands and arms are central to the image - but their faces are consumed by the shadows. Very meta and atmospheric.
I really like your use of text as a decorative element throughout the set! Brava, darling!
I did I did! I really struggled to find time to get these in but am so glad I didn't drop out as it was so awesome rediscovering the Bangel love.. I won't say how long it is since I first watched Buffy *cough* getting old *cough* but I'd truly forgotten all about the awesome!
Thanks so much for your awesome feedback, as always. I am thrilled that you like them! :)
These are truly gorgeous! You did an amazing job hon <3 I really love the crop in Unusual Crop (combined with the light texture and text it's really beautifully done). I also love sepia + profile, hot, crossover (hehe, I went with Bones too), angry, C1, C3, C4, AC1, AC2 and AC4 (I really love the purples + white deco through this set) :)
Thank you so much, my sweetheart I really enjoyed rediscovering my love for this couple! Your feedback is so happily received!! I am thrilled that you like them! :)
I really love these! My favorites are hot (love the coloring and softness of it), crossover, unusual crop, truth, cats 2 and 4, and your entire AC set. Fantastic job with this round!!!
Comments 23
I'm not even really a bangel gal but these make me nostalgic for the time I was, all of three years ago *lol* Adorable set! Like most people I LOVE sepia+profile (I think that's been the best icon of a lot of the sets this round) and hot; but I also like Truth for it's simplicity, and unconventional but balanced crop.
Cat 2 is lovely but 3 & 4 make me chuckle. The snowflake is brill and the tai chi scene - OMG the tai chi...
Of your AC set it's 5 that draws my eye the most - there is something incredibly poignant about that image given what we know, and the dove flying overhead - a moment of absolute peace and their linked hands and arms are central to the image - but their faces are consumed by the shadows. Very meta and atmospheric.
I really like your use of text as a decorative element throughout the set! Brava, darling!
Thanks so much for your awesome feedback, as always. I am thrilled that you like them! :)
Favorites include: orange, sepia+profile, retro, crossover, angry, and your AC set. :)
I really love the crop in Unusual Crop (combined with the light texture and text it's really beautifully done). I also love sepia + profile, hot, crossover (hehe, I went with Bones too), angry, C1, C3, C4, AC1, AC2 and AC4 (I really love the purples + white deco through this set) :)
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