Hey Actives! We may not have came in first this apocalypse, but I'm sure you know that all our actives are winners just the same. Congratulations to Team Buffy, we always like an underdog at Team Dollhouse ;).
We have two new actives to welcome to our house,
kateshepard and
cardboardcornea !!!
Instead of just the normal welcome and gif post, I thought we might do a
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Comments 172
House Location (Optional): Toronto
Original Personality:(tell us anything you like about yourself) 19 going on 20 year old film studies student who watches more TV than movies :)
Favourite characters and pairings (Whedon): Oz/Willow, Tara/Willow, Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Spike, Xander/Anya, Sierra/Victor, Topher/Victopher :D, Topher
Favourite fandoms/characters/pairings (Non-Whedon): JJverse, Skins, Whoverse
Requests: (Preferably Team related: Team Icons, Sig Banners, gifs for gif parties, Team profile badges, etc) Would love another team icon, but I'm cool with what I have!
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House Location (Optional): New York
Original Personality:(tell us anything you like about yourself) I love television - it rocks :D I think of myself as a writer though I haven't been (and probably won't be) published, I love to sing and attend Renaissance festivals in garb :) I also love musical theatre :)
Favourite characters and pairings (Whedon): Harmony, Willow, Mellie, Topher, Cordelia, Lorne, Clem (but really, most of the good guys); Willow/Tara, Topher/Adelle (not romantic), Paul/Mellie, Priya/Tony...
Favourite fandoms/characters/pairings (Non-Whedon): Jericho, Leverage, Doctor Who, Mercy, Greek (among many other shows); Stanley/Mimi, Martha Jones, Parker/Hardison, Parker, Cappie/Casey, Heather Lisinski, Chloe Payne
Requests: (Preferably Team related: Team Icons, Sig Banners, gifs for gif parties, Team profile badges, etc) I would love a new team icon with my new doll name (the others that I had requested once upon a time don't fit anymore since I changed names)
Specifics for requests: Katie ( ... )
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House Location (Optional): Indiana by way of Oklahoma (transfer doll!)
Original Personality:(tell us anything you like about yourself) Art school grad working in public relations for a non-profit organization, will do anything (for points) in the name of Team Dollhouse.
Favourite characters and pairings (Whedon): Xander/Oz, Buffy/Faith, Xander/Anya, Willow, Tara, Andrew, Cordy/Angel, Wes/Lilah, Wes/Fred, LORNE, Doyle, Kate, Mal/Inara, Simon/Jayne, Zoe/Wash, Kaylee, River, Book, Caroline/Bennett, Victor/Sierra, Adelle/Dominic, Echo/Saunders, TOPHER, PRIYA, Alpha, PENNY
Favourite fandoms/characters/pairings (Non-Whedon): Fullerverse, Jericho, Arrested Development, Futurama, Farscape, Skins, True Blood, Glee
Requests: (Preferably Team related: Team Icons, Sig Banners, gifs for gif parties, Team profile badges, etc) Only thing I can think of would be a team icon :)
Specifics for requests: If the team icon featured VicTopher, that'd be neat!
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House Location (Optional): Alberta, Canada
Original Personality:(tell us anything you like about yourself) I wish I was a Roller Derby girl. But instead I'm an anthropology major at university, hoping to run away to Romania and become a gypsy.
Favourite characters and pairings (Whedon): Willow/Tara, Buffy/Faith, Buffy/Spike, Willow/Anya, Caroline/Bennett, Wes/Fred
Favourite fandoms/characters/pairings (Non-Whedon): Naomi/Emily, Alex/Marissa, Claire/Gretchen
Requests: Gifs! Anything whedon or Skins please!!
Specifics for requests:
this is a .gif for you, because everybody needs some awesome dancing .gifs.
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House Location (Optional):LA
Original Personality:(tell us anything you like about yourself) That parenthetical addition can be read two ways, and I am the sort of person who notices such things.
Favourite characters and pairings (Whedon): Willow/Tara, Jonathan, Angel/Lockley, Simon/Kayleee, Mal/Inara, Echo/Boyd, Topher, Boyd,
Favourite fandoms/characters/pairings (Non-Whedon): West Wing, Bones, early Heroes, House,
Requests: (Preferably Team related: Team Icons, Sig Banners, gifs for gif parties, Team profile badges, etc) gifs are cool (I have NONE)
Specifics for requests:
stick around and I'm sure that number will multiply by a lot.
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