Afterthought (LJI7 Week 5)

Dec 01, 2010 22:56

They say that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes.  As the ground rushed towards me after I'd jumped off the tall building, all I could think was "what a beautiful view ( Read more... )

afterthought, season 7, lj idol, week 5, sky tower, skyjump

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Comments 53

baxaphobia December 2 2010, 00:21:47 UTC
You are out of your mind!!!!!


(The comment has been removed)

theafaye December 2 2010, 11:28:19 UTC
I'm really lucky that my friend was there with the camcorder. The official DVD (which is still in NZ so I couldn't post it) doesn't have sound, which is a shame.

Ideally, I wouldn't have jumped while I was still exclusively breastfeeding and that soon after having given birth, but I'd passed the six week mark and if I wanted to do it before I left the country, I only had a tiny window of opportunity. I would have regretted it forever if I'd left NZ and not attempted the jump.


theafaye December 2 2010, 11:23:28 UTC
It's actually ridiculously safe. The amount of cables they have you tied to and how much you're trussed up beforehand means that there really isn't any danger. It's safer than driving a car or crossing the road.

That doesn't stop you having to sign a waiver in case of death though!


basric December 2 2010, 04:39:06 UTC
You're either a lot braver or a lot crazier than I am. So you've conquered all your fear of heights. Well done.


theafaye December 2 2010, 11:22:18 UTC
I wouldn't say that it's conquered so much that I can feel the fear and do it anyway! I'm still absolutely terrified of heights but if the reward is great enough, I can push that to one side. So I'm seriously considering a tandem parachute jump at some point in the future. Or maybe a serious bungee jump from some tall mountain.


gratefuladdict December 2 2010, 05:28:58 UTC
You're my hero. ♥


theafaye December 2 2010, 11:20:35 UTC


comedychick December 2 2010, 06:11:02 UTC
Loved the humour when you wrote about getting pregnant to avoid jumping ;)


theafaye December 2 2010, 11:20:13 UTC
Well there was really no other reason to have more babies :oP


comedychick December 2 2010, 11:20:41 UTC


sweeny_todd December 2 2010, 06:14:51 UTC
very, very cool!! I can't say that I could imagine myself doing it!


theafaye December 2 2010, 10:50:10 UTC
I couldn't imagine myself doing it either! It was totally awesome and completely worth it.


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