Lemme start by first explaining why you won't be reading much about Megan in this post. I realize she just wrote quite a bit on her journal where she poured out her heart regarding a lot of stuff that's been bothering her lately, so it'd only be natural to assume that I'd have something to say about it over here as well.
Well, I don't. Although I doubt that she wrote anything that she hasn't already told me, likely a few times, she's asked that I not read it. So, I'm not, and can't say anything about it then, can I? I only say this so no one thinks I'm an insensitive jerk who's completely ignoring his girlfriend's pain and only talking about himself.
I can only say that it's been a tough time lately b/c you hate to see someone you love so much suffering, but I have faith that this storm will pass. She's a strong, smart girl w/a legion of loving people who have her back and the Lord, who will no doubt see her through this.
To quote the Grateful Dead, "What a strange long trip it's been..."
I started the new gig this weekend, and it's pretty awesome. The Joe has a completely different vibe than The Circus: Much more organized, much more professional and much more pleasant. It's busy there, likely busier than CMH, but everyone there is on their game and gets things done instead of trying to find victims to turf all their work to. The doctors have all been great so far, except for one physician's assistant that I've been told to stay clear of, and the nurses are all cool and get along.
I hate to say it, but I think the biggest difference is that the staff at the Joe is mostly male; Maybe 2/3. I've come to fear any large number of females having to come together for a common goal b/c women, by and large, seem to have a hard time getting along and working together in a large group. The Circus, where I was one of only five guys who worked there full time, degenerated into gossipping and backbiting on a daily basis when the battleaxes on the day shift got going a few hours into things.
The only disadvantage is that I can't draw blood anymore, since they have a few full-time phlebotomists in the department who collect and process all the samples themselves. Megan could probably best tell you how much this breaks my heart, considering she told me how she recently doodled a picture of me hugging a huge syringe.
I have a huge anatomy test in a couple hours, and I'm not studying much right now b/c I've been studying like a lifeless dork the past few days and my tiny little brain is completely saturated. Imagine pouring a gallon into a shot glass. Well, everything that spills is all of the crap that I'm reading and re-reading but can't seem to retain. I find this stuff very interesting, but the amount of useless information that they're trying to cram into my gray matter really pisses me off. I asked the doctor I was working w/yesterday if she could recite the five layers of the epidermis (stratum basale, stratum spinoseum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum -- which is only found in thick skin that needs an extra layer -- and stratum corneum) and what kinds of cells are located in each or the six different types of epithelial tissue (stratified squamous -- several layers of flat cells -- is the most important, since it's what skin qualifies as) and she could do neither. Well, if a freakin' physician doesn't know this nonsense then why do I need to????
I've worked and studied too much this week, and I'm on again this weekend. This Friday is the only day I have off until next Friday, which will begin a proper three-day weekend. My brain desperately needs some geek candy -- VS., a fat stack of comics, X-Play reruns, SOMETHING! Sadly, there's none to be had so I just gotta suck it up and get through these next couple weeks.
I'm gonna go slam some coffee and pray for a massive flooding of emergency IQ points. Keep those prayers comin', suckahs.