Lost Girl gives me a lot of feelings. Like, I want to fix them all by just writing happy AU where like, Lauren is not enslaved but instead is
a scientist working for the government, or maybe just fic where she's a nerdy science student.
I was definitely shipping Bo and Chiara this episode. It'd have been nice to get more than an episode's worth of development from dislike (well, on Bo's part) to friendship, but whatever: They look pretty together and Bo mostly just looks like she'd like to ~bed~ Chiara.
This would work out perfectly, because Bo and Chiara can go out on dates with Lauren and Nadia, and I definitely just came up with a college AU in the past 10 seconds involving Bo and Chiara being girlfriends, and Lauren and Nadia being girlfriends, and possibly some Bo/Lauren sexytimes that don't involve a lot of drama. (But where feelings run aplenty).
And maybe they will all be an OT4 of happiness in the end. IDK, puppies and rainbows.