infant eye care legislation

Apr 09, 2007 23:36

Do you live in Florida? Know anyone who does? Florida is on the way to becoming the first state to pass an infant eye care bill. This would mean that every infant in Florida would have their eyes checked for cataracts, tumors and other vision related problems. The exam is simple and straightforward. Rengeeklet has had this exam many, many times. It saved his life and his sight. It takes only a few minutes and costs, literally, pennies. This bill would save lives and sight. Really, really, truly. I am not kidding you here.

The good news is that this bill passed through the committees in the Florida Senate. The bad news is that the House version of this bill is getting hung up in the Health Council of the Florida House. If it doesn't pass this Council, it will be dead for another year.

Please contact Representative Aaron Bean and ask him to put the bill on the calendar.
Do it today - before it is too late. Tell your friends and family - especially those with connections to Florida....

Representative Aaron Bean

Bill #HB 833 - Infant Eye Care Bill

Fax: 904-491-3666
Phone: 904-491--3664
or Phone: 9044-491-3664

Thank you!

If you are wondering why eye exams are important....check out this site
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