Oh. My. God!
This is a fantastic movie! It's the book... but it's not. I'm pretty sure that Book!Arthur didn't have a mobile phone with internal camera, on which he'd taken a photo of him and Trillian at a fancy dress party...
But yeah, as soon as the dolphins started singing, "So long and thanks for all the fish" at the start I knew it was goona be fun. And it totally was.
I couldn't stop laughing at so many things - like the queue at the desk to get Trillian released.
"Leave this to me," says Arthur. "I'm British. I know how to queue."
With the Point Of View gun, Trillian goes to town on Zaphod, and then he wants to give her a taste of his feelings.
"It won't work on me," she points out. "I'm already a woman."
Slartibartfast was perfect (even if Bill Nighy did play him exactly like his character from Love Actually) and the special effects of the workshop were amazing. I couldn't help but smirk a little at the guy painting Uluru. I've been there!
Marvin. Marvin, Marvin, Marvin... I could be biased due to the fact that I adore Alan Rickman but the little robot esily stole the show. In the shoot out with the V-guys (I couldn't spell it if I tried) he gets hit in the back of his head.
"Oh," he drones, "now I have a headache."
Bits of it were stupid - like them trying to kill Zaphod's kidnapper... when he kidnapped himself, and that woman (who's name and position I never quite figured out) seemed determined to get Zaphod back and punish Trillian for kidnapping him is suddenly their best friend at the end? Wha'?
And where were the Scrabble tiles?
But the ending is open for the rest of the books. I just hope that they don't make any more. It wouldn't be the same without Douglas' input.
"The resturant is at the *other* end of the galaxy."
You tell 'em, Marvin.