Been a while since I've been online, and sure, I've been neglecting much of everything on myspace and livejournal. I think I just needed a breather. But, whelp, life is going great
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At fault to my busy life lately, my entries of late have been lacking substanence or any true depth. It's a mere shaving off the top, little highlights like a news heading, that I've been giving you. I suppse that's because I haven't had much time to even think about anything. Maybe it's healthy for me to have let go of a fragment of my self-
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sooo...I'm going to Deck the Hall Ball. Cajun I bought'd be cool if you could get me backstage or something. wink wink knudge knudge..hahahaha
Voltaire at the Vogue = awesome. I love seeing that man. He always brightens my day. Nick from Bell's Therom was there too, and it was really cool to catch up with him again. Ian (Gwen's ex) Ian was there, and he kept buying me drinks and glowing about his kid with Ducky. Rachel and I had a lot of fun and I got a lot of compliments on my
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I wish Bryan was here already. Things have been really confusing, and all I want to do is curl up and disappear into his arms. Why is it that people play head games? Most of the time, unfortunately, I don't think they do it on purpose. I just want to simplify my life. I know what I want. He just happens to be in Florida right now. Am I a
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As a disastrous result of my Internet being down, and my mom's needling insistence, I sat down and watched that movie about the flight that crashed before it could get to it's destination (The White House) on Sept. 11th. There's a reason I don't watch these movies. It's not out of disrespect toward the tragedy or even a sense of righteous
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