Oh boy oh boy as if i don't torture the FUCK out of him in every other verse.
But basically, niggle is a cyborg, and MORESO THAN IS HEALTHY. There was a law that said you can't have more then 30% of your body cybernetic unless you had medical or other exceptional circumstances. Lyrin is a COMPLETELY ILLIGAL CYBORG and is probably close to 70-80% cybernetic.
DOESN'T HELP THAT ALOT OF IT IS EXPLERIMENTAL like the ports leading into his brain. He actually built them to be deeper than normal, but the whole point of skullports being a certain length was to decrease the pain threshhold, cause though your brain (apparently?) can't feel pain, i KNOW your scalp can, and he managed to make a few mistakes he was planning on fixing with those by the time the apocalypse ran about.
Lyrin was a Major in the equivalent of NASA even though NASA and the Air Force had effectively merged. While he was highly-ranked enough for access to certain terminals of the government mainframe, Lyrin is a greedy hack and got his spindly little fingers into EVERYTHING. He's gotten in trouble with the government more than a few times for hacks, but they haven't been able to pin the blame specifically on HIM so he just gets beaten up a few times.
He's very antisocial, depressive, angry, and horribly independant. He probably would have kept replacing the organic parts of himself till he was nothing but heart and brain if he had been left to his own devices. He was pretty much convinced that no one cared about him, that he could just fade out into the machiene and no one would even care. Machines did not need love, or acceptance. They did not have silly, trivial feelings or wants or woes. The purpose of mechanics was to be efficient, and if he could be efficient, than there was an acceptance right there. That was what Lyrin was aiming for, to just be somewhere he didnt have to worry about smotion and others and PEOPLE and SUFFERING and LOVE.
Then the eld of the world happened.
The three siblings had been together at the same base at that point, stationed at Washiongton D.C. Lyrin was on a day off (which is why he is not in uniform post-apocalypse) when it all happened. Lysander and Lyra came by his apartment shortly afterward and the three of them caught a government shuttle out of the city while it started to fall apart.
The three of them got as far as Chicago before the blackouts and the nuclear holocaust happened.
Then Sovena showed up. She pretty much tore apart anyhting she could get her hands on, which included Lysander (who was trying in vain to protect everyone) He was quickly torn apart and Ghoul'd. Lyrin tried to get himself and Lyra to a safe place, but Sovena tore her out of his hand. She however, was too damaged by the time she finished to do anything with, and though Sovena held onto her soul, there was nothing to do with it. So she was left as a more tangent soul.
post-apocalypse, Lyrin found a bunker with a few other survivors and held it out there as long as he could. People gradually starte to leave though, and none of them were terribly concerned with the little grey-haired kid.
Form then on, Lyrin formed the state of mind that he WAS a robot. As far as he is concerned, he is made of cogs and wheels and programmes. He doesn't believe he is human anymore, and acts as mechanical as possible. He's further replaced his body with biometric parts and can pretty much hack any computer mainframe left intact on the planet.
Marciel, Vinyl and Jace found him sitting along in suburban Illinois, quickly 'recruiting' him for his use. He pretty much hacks the systems of anywhere the group stays and makes sure they are safe from Ghoul attacks. However, he is no Mage, so the chances of Sovena are still pretty tall unless he keeps close tabs on the radar. (Sovena's presense blacks out most radar screens, and does a similar effect to mages. They usually cannot sense Ghouls when she is close.)
The more people the group runs into, the more conflict and social interaction he is forced into. He really, really hates most of this, and will commonly retreat into a computer terminal station when anyone tries to talk to him.
Jace and he have a very, very strong hate relationship going on. Jace thinks that Lyrin is completely retarded for thinking he;s a machiene and will take every oppertunity to point out that he is STILL HUMAN underneath all the blinking lights and cold metal limbs. There have been a few incidents where Jace's constant attacks have made him break down, but he's never done it in front of anyone.
Marciel only feels pity for him, and pretty much leaves him to his own devices. Vinyl doesn;t quite get what his problem is, but respects Marciel's quiet towars him.
Other than Jace and Deacon, everyone pretty much ignores him, as he says he wants, except for Heri.
Heri is a full mage who pretty much is the closest thing to making Lyrin realise he is human. There are obvious signs of jealousy and possessiveness that he will express on Heri's behalf, but otherwise Lyrin will treat him as coldly as everyone else.
LOL faggotry. its canon, shush.
Uhhmmmm other than that i got nothing. Lyra sometimes talks o the mages in dreams, but thats about it. Lyly's life pretty much consists of going around at eating bitches' faces till the world totally ends and he DIES.