Repost- Sentinels

Nov 30, 2010 21:34

(wrong account)


A creature emplyed by death (Injustice and Denial) ((Sano and Vis)), usually starting as a mortal spirit. Their task is to calculate a persons' perfect living hell. Hauntings by a Sentinel can last anywhere from years to mere hours, depending on the length of the victims' life, and the amount of influence/productivity they have over people or their nation.

Originally, Sentinels were made as spirits simply to judge a passing spirit (Underlarites manifested only partly by Vis). However, Injustice deemed them useless and sought to destroy them to no avail (as it takes the combined agreement of both Spirits to fully condemn anything). Due to her malevolent desire for destruction, the Sentinels became creatures intuned to her cause- and thus created hells.

Depending on the religious or spiritual beliefs of an individual, sightings of a Sentinel can sometimes occur, commonly before death. This has made them a common death omen in many religions and mythical lore. (Depictions of Sentilens range as more accurate underlings of the Hands of Death, or otherwise depicted as a sort of Grim Reaper figure. In some cultures (mainly that of Omacaran and Lyrunnanum origin), it is thought that Sentinels can be appeased with acts of great generosity and bargaining. This is only slightly true, as a great act of kindness can lessen the intensity of the traisl afterward- but an act that is done soely for the purpose of trying to bargain with Death can have adverse affects.)

A Sentinels' physical apperance can generally range- but due to a need to conform amoung themselves, the aperances usually have similar attributes. Sentinels are usually eyeless (depicted usually with the black, sightless eyes of Knowledge and Lonliness). When not depicted with black eyes, they are usually covered. Sentinels are also usually accompanied by small lights (a rendition of their lost sight- which can be used to follow and investigate their prey thouroghy). Some cultures associate these lights with common folklore similar to a Will-O-The-Whisp, or even that of Faeries.

All Sentinels (save for three who are of Underlayer origin) start out as living people. Upon an investigation in their mortal life, they undergo their personal hell and also endure a series of Trials to judge if they are Sentinel material. If they fail, the compensation is a first-in-line treatment for Reincarnation and a single wish when they turn the age of 20. If they pass, they are breifed and Recruited. (Obviously, as the world population increases, more Sentinels are needed in order to organise the souls of the world.)

The usual duration of Sentilen duty is 100 years in mortal time (not including Hell and Trial time). The Reward for serving differs, as one individual might crave something quite different to another after 100 years of servitute to Death. This 100 year period can be lengthened according to punishment (shorter terms do not exist).

Immortality is a given with the Sentinel package. Though usually unseen and unwitnessed, Sentinels can be heard and even sometimes harmed by some Powers in the world. As such, they are protected with a basic Protection Pact from Denial (a begrudging agreement from Injustice sealed the Pact). Wounds will heal, and sicknesses will not affect Sentinels. After enough time on duty, a Sentinel can sometimes take a solid form. In these cases, the same Immortality laws stand, but sicknesses will still afect them in the short term, but will not prove fatal and will eventually fade.

The Reward can only be reached once either all 100 years and a reasonable amount of souls are passed, or a lengthened sentence due to punishment and a quota of souls are passed. If a Sentinel manages to go insane during their duty, The Reward will not be achievable untill they reach a set level of sanity (usually judged by Denial himself). The sentence will pause and begin again when the Sentinel is judged sane.

Denial fashioned mortal vessels to try and improve the lives of people and to try and lessen the severity of Hells due to his sisters' tampering with the Sentinels. These unique individuals are extremely rare and often are subject to riddicule and sometimes prosecution due to their missions and actions.


vis, sano, sentinels, aftertao

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