The show, not my story... I need this show to get it's crap together. It's got such a great cast and the potential to be amazingly batshit awesome but it's not hitting the marks, it's always so close but no cigar...grr.
That's why I've been avoiding. So many good actors and shows, but networks and writers have gotten lazy since Reality Shows hit and they don't use the casts and create scripts that push that envelope anymore.
While I do think that's a lot of it I also think that there's a lot of not pushing the envelope because heaven forbid it take more then a hot second for an audience to build for your show, then you have to look forward to cancellation. Look at Prime Suspect, it was amazing but because the audience wasn't growing fast enough, though it was growing, NBC cancelled it. It's hard to get into a show when you know if you do there's a good chance it can get cancelled before it even gets off the ground.
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