What the hell?

Dec 23, 2004 23:26


One (1) Christmas Spirit, belonging to a Miss Kristal Bingham. Last seen in the area of Georgetown/Round Rock during the time of Thanksgiving. May be starving and hungry. If found, please return.

Um, in other news, RSVPs close Tuesday for my partay, so if you haven't RSVPed yet, you better. So far I have:

ComingBlake - and his lesbian ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

ibkim December 25 2004, 10:19:46 UTC
Well they gave me hours next week...only one day, and it happens to be the 31st. I work until 9:30 pm. I'll be there after I'm done. Dammit.


what the hell indeed theatreboybk December 25 2004, 18:49:23 UTC
i can't come...and yet there is no unhappy face with my name?....alas...i am not loved


Re: what the hell indeed theatre_addict December 26 2004, 00:51:34 UTC
Changed to reflect the mood


funkyboricua88 December 25 2004, 19:31:13 UTC
Well...the people who are coming wouldn't want me there...hence I think the question mark! Anywho...that's a negatory on my coming...thanks for the invite though! :( :)


theatre_addict December 26 2004, 00:52:05 UTC
The (?) was b/c I didn't knew if you read this. Wish you could've come, though... have a happy New Year's!


funkyboricua88 December 26 2004, 14:54:49 UTC
Me too...my house is boring...well actually it's too much stuff going on...my family gets "excited" aka angry quickly!!!! Have a Happy New Year too Kristal!!!! :P


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