absence makes the heart grow fungus...

Dec 20, 2004 17:25

i wonder if hed even notice.... he seems so normal, but spends his time with dyed and pierced freaks. hed notice me if i dyed my hair black and got all gaunt and self involved, if i started listening to dark, dreary, heavily produced, complaint rock, if i turned myself into some cookie cutter goth/punk kid with an aversion to sunlight and fresh ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

christos708 December 20 2004, 22:36:35 UTC
I have known you for 12 yrs and been your best friend for 11. If there is one true thing I know about you is that you hate to be alone and not in a relationship. Since you have broken up with John and Pete decided to be a cowardly jerk I have been so proud of you. You don't need anyone but you. I know that hanging with Beth and Ryan can do that to people but the right guy will find you.


you, youre good you. theatrejunkie00 December 21 2004, 17:39:43 UTC
i dont hate not being in a relationship, im just out of practice. but everyday im getting better at it. i just dont want to get too good at it. i mean, look at CarrieAnn. shes TOO good at being alone.


Re: you, youre good you. christos708 December 23 2004, 19:55:26 UTC
Carrie Ann is a regular pro at the whole lonliness game. That would never happen to you. On the Carrie not at least she's better than Leslie but then again so is Hitler


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