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Dec 01, 2005 16:25

Aileen's Random Movie Quote:

'Here's looking at you kid.'

- Rick, Casablanca

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1) Does jessicablaze have a big secret? i dont think so
2) What mental disorder does litepuppie remind you of? OCD
3) Have you flirted with jesusrunner? nope
4) What languages does krackhead speak? English?
5) How would 1stoopidfool kill ylessmike? something very crafty - nothing hands on
6) Would you set up litepuppie and krackhead? oh god no!
7) What flavor of jello would jessicablaze be? green jello!
8) What is litepuppie's favorite movie? *gasp* i duno!
9) When did you last call evilglowie? gosh its been ages
10) How many monkeys could duckietoast fight at once and win against? Monkies? I duno.. 2? they can get brutal. ;)
11) What word best describes jesusrunner? athletic.
12) Would you wrestle jesusrunner in jello? heck yes!
13) Is litepuppie friends with jesusrunner? nope
14) Where was sinsofthefallen born? in another state.
15) Do you have krackhead's screenname? yes
16) Which president would duckietoast be likely to idolize? oh i duno. the one that takes over the world! :)
17) What comic book character would jessicablaze be? happy bunny! (just kidding)
18) Does jessicablaze drink? yep!
19) What is evilglowie's favorite band/artist? that i dont know either.
20) litepuppie's eye color? brown. :)
21) How long would litepuppie dating jessicablaze last? not very long i dont think.
22) Does 1stoopidfool do drugs? not that i am aware of.
23) Are litepuppie and duckietoast married? *laughs* nope!
24) How would duckietoast conquer the world? for sure.
25) Could you see jesusrunner and sinsofthefallen together? um... probly not.
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