First poster; a result of general grumpiness, exhaustion and a notorious rebel streak paired with a migraine and the "The Week From Hell".
For all who think that most of the stuff going on this week was totally uncalled for and so not necessary.
Title: Tainted together
Author: kirschreich
Word Count: 100
Warning: none
Challenge: #70 - darkness
Light wanes where he walks. He is the exact shade of void, the chill of desperation and tastes of vile horrors.
He is darkness incarnated.
But she burns brighter than any flame conjured; is the exact shade of creation, the heat of happiness and scent of hope.
The incarnation of light, that is who she is; so brilliant, so pure that there is no doubt. With firm kisses, with spiteful words he sets to task.
Every day a little more, every day a little less until her brilliance has faded and she is just as dark as he.
Tainted together.