Title: Grumpy Old Man
Summary: Someone's been forgotten on his big day
Rating: PG
Characters: Art Mullen, Raylan Givens (Justified)
Spoilers: None really.
A/N: Ahahaha, so, um... I write long? This is in response to one of
prompts: Art Mullen : "Happy birthday, Grandpa!". Comment character limits be damned!
Another year older, wiser, and grumpier )
Comments 4
And, of course, Art and Raylan's back-and-forth has me grinning so hard.
This, in particular:
"It's just damned annoying," Art grumbles. "I'm tryin' to drive here, and all I can concentrate on is the clack of your big fingers on those tiny keys."
"Well then, I apologize for being such a road hazard. Could've killed us both, I suppose."
BUAHAHA. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. AND YOU. (And, hee Ramsey's -- and, yes, Raylan would so go for the ice cream first.)
Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this. Every single word is pitch-perfect. <333
Art is so much damn fun, I can't lie, but as always I nervoused a bit about tackling one of yours. I have so much love for your Raylan, so I get gleeful when I get to write him for you, but also have the back of the mind 'HOMG what if I'm just butchering him?'.
This amused me to no end to write, though. Jotted it down at work on the usual scrap papers, and totally neglected what I had to do there. But, pffft, it was just bitty things. Nothing that can't wait until tomorrow *G*
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