It is now November. By the end of this month I will be 28 (which I had to verify via calculator today and totally had a 'wtf srsly?' moment and lost a whole year as I could've sworn I was only hitting 27).
This year hasn't exactly been everything that'd I'd hoped for, but it has by no means been a bad one, either.
I had quite a few good times, went places, did things and such.
I'm not going to make it to the Doggie Dash and Dawdle this year, which bums me out, but in addition to being very much not in shape (and Charlie, too) I also don't have the registration fee. I'm telling myself next year, and have tacked the pamphlet up on the wall as a promise to hold to this.
I am still at the same job, which isn't such a bad thing considering what the unemployment rate is right now, but it is a bad thing when it means I won't have had a pay increase for three years straight now, and no real desire to move up in the company. Like, at all.
Part of the no raises also means bigger debt, because of some bad spending along with the flippin' cost of living, so that's definitely of the bad, as well.
Which means... I've got to find a new job. Seriously.
I had actually given myself until October before I would start really thinking about this, and well, October is over. I guess I should start.
The hard part is knowing where to start. I definitely do not want to be doing what I am now (and because of a signed non-compete thingy can't anyways), and don't want to do what I was doing before (I will live homeless on the streets before I ever, EVER return to a call center).
Knowing what I don't want to do is a start, but I have no idea what I do want to do. Well, what I do want to do that I'd be qualified for.
I'm just going to say it; I HATE customers. Hate 'em. I need a job where I am not going to have to deal with strangers who have needs, and with a job where money making is my responsibility. No sales. No phone calls. No making numbers of the volume or cash sort.
What does that leave me? I... have no idea. I am so open for suggestions if anyone has any.
I'd like to just toss my resume out there and see if anyone bites on it (even though I know it'll be call centers, the military and sales jobs), but I haven't spoken with my manager about it yet.
My manager is one of the only reasons I haven't left. She's great, and has always been very nice to me. I really hate to leave her, so telling her is hard. I know she'll totally understand, and will probably even encourage me, it's just bringing it up that's so hard and makes me feel like an ass.
I definitely don't want to just spring it on her when I have a new job, but I'm not exactly sure how to bring it up. So... yeah.
I am finally doing NaNoWriMo. And so super freaked out and nervous about it. I've been working on rough ideas and outlines all of last month, and managed to get a start on it today. My start is a whole paragraph, but you know what, at least it isn't a blank page anymore.
I've wanted to do this for awhile now, and was basically too lazy and chickenshit to try. We'll see how it goes. Signing up and starting was a big step for me, so I think that now that I'm in the water I can dog paddle my way across the pond. Fingers crossed.
Speaking of writing
this is still totally open. Feel free to take more than one day as I love the prompts y'all give me, and would like to give you stuff.
It'll also give me something else to work on when this NaNo thing inevitably eats my liver and mind.
And ahaha, I have so rambled on for forever. TL;DR, my birthday is here, I'm looking for new job, I'm doing NaNo,
give me your Christmas wishes of the ficcy kind.
The end.