Christmas was great. I got to spend time with my bro and dad, mom's visit earlier in the week went pretty well, and I got some great gifts.
Not only did I get the Wii that I've wanted for a long time, I got TWO! BWAH! Dad and bro both got me one, but it's all good because each came with different gear and games, and so now I am set up for some awesome gaming times.
I also got Heat Rises which makes me super happy, and an external hardrive to make the restoration process on my PC easier the next time I kill it XD
My dad loves his coffee maker I bought him, and bro laughed at the Michaelangelo Snuggie I bought him. We watched movies and played games, and ate, ate, ate, so it was really a great Christmas.
Until the germs hit me. IDK, y'all, but Christmas night I started with the feeling not so well, and it got worse until yesterday I was at work (when I totally should've stayed home, but had no way of calling in because there was no coverage) and feeling absolutely wretched. I went home as soon as the closer got there, which I feel bad for because she went the day without a lunch, but I was dying. For srs. And, I stayed long enough for her to go out and get food, and she assured me she understood so I totally owe her one, because I came home, drugged myself up, and slept FOREVER.
Called in today as I'm still not feeling so hot, but I am getting better and should be good to go tomorrow.
I'm sorry for those I owe things to, especially fic. These last couple weeks have eaten me alive with work and Christmas prep, and I just haven't had the time to sit down and do any sort of writing or computery things at all. This'll be the first time I've actually been on a computer in a few days, and my brain is doped to high heaven so I'm just typing out this long, probably rambly post of apology.
I will get all your requests done, I will get to those few tags I owe, and I will get to updated things and whatnot as soon as possible. I've got one more McCrazy week to contend with, but after the New Year (and the following Monday, which is gonna throw me off because of crap my work is pulling), I will back in the saddle and here for y'all.
I claimed a few things including this journal name over in DW, but haven't done anything as far as figuring it out, or transfering over or anything. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with it yet, but I figured I'd snag it just in case that's where all my peeps end up.
Hope y'all had a good holiday, and have a great New Year. Again I'm so sorry for dropping the ball on things, but the Batty will Return and get on top of everything again. *SMISHES*