Financial Freedom, Taking a Turn, and Another Poem

Feb 17, 2006 21:11

Debts To PayFor a long time, debt has seemed like a burden on my back. It’s not pleasant being in debt. Gratefully, I don’t have to worry about growing interest since it was borrowed from family, but it still seems like I’m, as the Bible says, a servant to the lenders. So, I’ve set the very realistic goal of becoming debt free by the end of the ( Read more... )

poem, carelessness, driving, debt

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Comments 26

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thebiblicalway March 3 2006, 23:33:20 UTC
lol. Yeah, I thought he was a bit upset, myself. Now that I know that I'm feeling better already. ;)


Crazy driver post johnmerritt May 14 2006, 19:54:06 UTC
Okay, I confess. I'm the "crazy driver" Joel's referring to. I'm trying to drive more safely. No, really. Okay, that's enough laughing. The only good thing I can say is that I've only been in one car accident, that was just a fender bender. And I've never gotten a ticket, although recently I came close, but the cop that stopped me had run out of tickets in his booklet! ;) Since then I've been more aware of how I drive and tried to be more reasonable.


Re: Crazy driver post purpleluvr85 May 15 2006, 01:06:09 UTC
YAY! You posted!! HI!


Re: Crazy driver post johnmerritt May 15 2006, 14:55:49 UTC
Hey, that really wasn't so hard. Hi!!


Re: Crazy driver post narnian_warrior May 15 2006, 03:33:14 UTC
What do cops do when they run out of ticket-paper? Give you a raincheck?


narnian_warrior May 15 2006, 03:32:35 UTC
I like the poem :-)


thebiblicalway May 16 2006, 01:52:04 UTC
Thank you. It's the most recent poem I've written, and probably one of the better ones.


narnian_warrior May 16 2006, 23:22:52 UTC
Do you like writing them?


thebiblicalway May 18 2006, 23:49:06 UTC
Yes, though they are difficult at times to write. Poems allow me to creatively write thoughts out in a more visual way that better communicates to the mind the moods of the heart. It's kind of like music in that way.


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