Free for All - Masterpost 2014

Apr 13, 2014 20:59

This post includes links to all of the works that can be used as prompts/inspiration for the Leverage Big Bang Free for all 2014.
Those marked with a ★ have no pre-existing companion works.

Stay (Video - Team) - Acquariusgb

Secret and Lies (Manip - Team) - Ceares

We play the hand we are dealt (Drawing - Team) - Ceares

What Happens in Vegas (Manip - Hardison & Eliot) - Cybel

Troubled Soul (Manip - Eliot) - just_ruth

Lonely Road (Manip - Eliot) - just_ruth

The Eyes of Heaven (Manip - Eliot & Nate) - just_ruth

The Cosplay Job (Drawing - Eliot & Hardison) - pixymisa

Cover (Cover - Eliot focus) - sigrundora

Leverage (Manip - Eliot & Parker) - susanmarier

Parker (Manip - Parker & Eliot ) - susanmarier

Danger (Manip - Eliot & Parker) - ultra_fic

Winged Parker (Manip - Eliot & Parker) - ultra_fic

Death (Manip - Team) - zeezeemagee

Perfect Strangers (A/U, PG - Parker/Hardison(/Eliot)) - calliotrope

A Modern Myth (Crossover (Supernatural), PG - Team) - lady_yashka

Where Ocean Meets Sky (Post finale, fluff - Parker, Hardison, Eliot) - serenelystrange

Days of Past Returning (Case-fic, PG - Team) - Telaryn

The Eyes of Heaven (Crossover (Supernatural), PG - Team) - Telaryn

The Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg Job (Canon, PG - Team) - Valawenel

The Audition Job (A/U, Crossover (White Collar) PG - slash & het) - yanzadracan

Five Times Each Team Member Met Death... (Mixed genre, Teen - Team) - zeezeemagee

Danger (Mixed genre, Teen - Mixed pairings) - zeezeemagee

Rules and Basic Guide

!freeforall-prompts, !freeforall, masterlist, year!2014

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