First, my grandma gave me some anasazi beans. They grown from beans harvested at Mesa Verde and cultivated in a town near here. Badass! (PS Shari I want to plant some...)
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We just got back from the gym. My grandma goes there twice a week to meet with her physical therapist. She rides the bike for 20 minutes and then walks twice around this walking track. I am supposed to encourage/make her go more often. I told Maggie (the therapist) that we would go back on Sunday. It is a really nice gym with brand new
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We are going to Mesa Verde. I went my the summer after my junior year of high school but my grandma is adamant that we go again. She'll bring a book and sit in the visitors center and I will go around with my cousins. I'm pretty excited, it should be cool! I love natural history learning about ancient peoples
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We went to the place to hear the lecture and it turns out that my grandmother forgot that it's actually tomorrow. So I will let you know how it was once we actually go
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Ok, there aren't actually any blossoms clinging to any vines but I feel a bit like there's a singdown going on in my head. Say any word and I'll come up with a song that includes it! It's probably the boredom/lack of TV talking. There is TV here but since I came to take care of/see my grandmother it feels wrong to watch it. Except at night
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Who knew that Phoenix was spelled P-H-O-E and not P-H-E-O? Not me. But I do now. I'm waiting for a flight at the Phoenix airport to Durango. My first flight was canceled and I was one of the lucky few who got to go on the one later today... everyone else has to try again tomorrow. I almost took a shuttle out to see my grandparents in Sun City
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I ought to be doing my homework. But instead I'm eating pretzles in vanilla ice cream (surprisingly delicious) and feeling sad. A close friend's mom died last weekend. I had eaten dinner there before and hung out with the family in general many times. It's just surreal. I sort of drift between thinking that it isn't real and feeling so
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