After nearly missing my flight, waiting three hours for my connecting flight and then fidgeting around for five and half hours I finally made it to San Francisco. Upon landing, I found myself utterly thrilled; overwhelmed with the feeling of accomplishment. I was finally there; I finally experienced what it was like to work hard and reap the benefits. :D LOL, that’s right. Bloo feels all grown up now.
After a little bit of confusion, Kai and I met up at the airport after her arrival and we ventured off to the hostel before going out to find Slims. We wanted to make sure we knew where it was, and it was easy to get to. XD We probably would have gotten ourselves lost if we didn’t stop to ask someone for directions.
Monday was a day fueled with anxiety for me. It was probably a combination of the excitement for seeing An Café live, the nervousness I felt for meeting Kai’s friends and the extremely unfamiliar territory. I really don’t like cities. XD
Kai and I woke earlier than we had planed on Tuesday, but that was just fine and dandy. Really, I enjoyed getting myself together with another person whose fashion interests are like mine. XD I think my outfit was one of my best, and it wouldn’t have been that way if it wasn’t for Kai and the pretty SEX POT shirt she gave me. It really made the outfit come together. =O YOU DON’T KNOW HOW HAPPY THAT MADE ME, KAI!
I had thought there were going to be a lot of people in line, but Kai was right when she said it wouldn’t be too bad. We were #28 and #29, which is really just awesome. XD I had the privilege of meeting a lot of great people - a lot of really friendly and absolutely fabulous people. I hope some of you are viewing this (even just to get your pictures), because I’d love to stay in touch!
Other than the wind being a total fucktard, the day wasn’t so bad. We were in line for around…ten hours or so. To me, however, it didn’t really seem that long. It must have been the awesome people. OWO
I froze my fucking ass off, though.
The doors opened a little later than they were suppose to, I think. I’m not sure, though. I had put my phone away and wasn’t sure what the exact time was. At the time, I didn’t really care. I was beyond excited to know that I was finally going to experience my first non-con-serious-business concert. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it, and I kept telling Kai I loved her. XD I LOVE YOU, MAN~!
Once we were inside of Slims I felt completely overwhelmed and wrought with raw emotion. Everything seemed to be perfectly clear and absolutely worth it. I was happy. Really, really happy. I haven’t felt that way in a long time.
Kai managed to get right up on the railing and I stood directly behind her with my arms on either side of her and against the rail. If anyone thought they were going to push me out of the way or squish me they were sorely mistaken. XD I forgot my inhaler back in Virginia and I was not about to have an asthma attack because someone wanted to rape Miku. Fuck. That. Shit. Well, other than having my rips beat up, my feet stepped on and my hips molding with the people beside me, the crowd was way better than I expected. After hearing about what happened the previous year, I had prepared for the worst. XD
Now…more exciting stuff. XD
I fucking cried when Teruki stepped on stage. It was a happy cry, though! My smile stretched from ear to ear; I could fucking feel my lips touch my ears , and the tears just fell without command. He is so gorgeous in person; pictures do not do him justice! I was in awe and I couldn’t stop gawking. XD It was…like…wow. I’m sure you guys understand. XD
I may not have paid as much attention when everyone else entered.
Miku is a great performer, and I now understand why people call him a pervert. I was, needless to say, stunned by his promiscuous nature. I think I choked on my laughter when he was…uh…with Donald…and the crotch…and, yeah. DON’T LAUGH AT ME! I also think his English improved; he didn’t sound deaf to me that time. Actually, I found him rather cute, and I was pleased that he wore the outfit from Aroma! It’s my favorite outfit to date.
Oh. OMG, did you guys see what happened to that poor girl when Miku threw Cookie Monster into the crowd? Did you see Miku’s face? I had to turn to see WTF was making his expression change and I found the girl standing behind me being pulled back by the hair. SERIOUSLY, WTF? >=C I cried out for someone to grab her, but no one acted fast enough for me. I’m so very happy I could grab her; at first, I was afraid I wouldn’t get a grip on her before she tumbled to the floor. After hearing about what happened to Kai, I was really scared for her. ; o ; I mean, really guys. I like An Café, but I’d never risk someone else’s well being to get an autographed toy.
Kanon… Oh, dear, dear Kanon. You’re such a silly little man, and I adore your dorky personality to the extreme. He really is great, isn’t he? XD I loved his little introduction and how everyone did kamehameha with him. Honestly, though, I didn’t really notice him unless he was in front of me. It’s not his fault, though. Most of my attention was on Teruki.
Takuya, however, made me sad. ; o ; I wish he’d smile more. The serious face doesn’t work for him; he looks so cute when he smiles! He seems fun and lively! He was like a rock on the side of the road for me, otherwise. I barely noticed him and he was so close!
Yuuki, though…harhar. He was directly in front of Kai, which put him directly in front of me. : D I now like him more then I already did; he’s so fucking adorable. SO ENERGECTIC, SO HAPPY, SO FUCKING AWESOME. I’d love to be his friend. XD He also has a nice smile (although it does not rival that of Teruki’s ). I could have sworn that his wig fell back at one point. Not off, of course, but I swore I could see his hairline. XD I’m probably just imagining things, though.
Ahem. Of course…
I WATCHED TERUKI BANGING AWAY ON HIS DRUMS MOST OF THE TIME. : D He’s so freaking gorgeous; I couldn’t believe it! His smile warmed my heart. I feel bad…because at one point…near the end…when he walked to the left and was waving goodbye…I jumped on Kai. XD She pulled my arm farther forward to aid me, but I still felt bad for climbing on her like that. I didn’t think I would; I didn’t think I was that kind of fan. I just wanted to experience a concert of a band I just happen to like; I didn’t think I was going to squeal and scream for Teruki. XD I think, for the first time and spite anything I’ve said before, I fucking love Teruki like a crazy fan. I FUCKING LOVE HIM! Yeah, I said it. Now, bask in the awesomeness that is Teruki~
You might think that watching someone drum is boring when you have dancing keyboardists and perverted singers, but I’d like to beg to differ. XD
One of my favorite moments wasn’t a Teruki moment, though. Instead, it was when Jordan said “hell no” rather loudly when they went to take the picture and Miku turned his head, eyes bright and smile wide, and repeated those very words with a little bob to his head. I nearly died laughing. XD I really wish I knew what Miku was thinking; I WANT TO KNOW!
…hm. Yes. XD
So, I touched the hands of Miku, Kanon, Takuya and Kanon… I did not, however, touch Teruki. That made me very sad, but he didn’t reach into the crowd where I was. XD I can’t blame him, I might have dragged him in. Perhaps he sensed danger. OWO
I won’t bore you with details about my trip home. Let’s just say it was terrible, I was sore and we ended up being an hour late.
Tak and Sophie. : D I was jealous of their warm sleeping bags. ; o ;
Pandy and Kai. Don't they both look cute~?
I never learned their names, but they were nice enough to let me take a picture. : D Yes, one of the girls has her pants around her ankles.
: D Saru and those giiiirls. XD Doesn't Saru look amazing? I was jealous of his hair when I first turned to street corner!
Marco, I believe his name was, and the winner of Nyappiest...Fan...Contest. Well, whatever that contest was called. XD
Some lovely girls. : D Erin and Lyndi.
Ashleigh (k_laker) and Erin. :D
XD The contest winner and her friends.
Pandy and Saru. : D
Sophie and Tak. : D I took a lot of pictures I think people didn't know about... XD
And more people. XD
Saru again~ : D
XD Saru, Kai and Koji~
Saru, Koji and me~ Kai took this picture; though she should have been in it~ =O
>w> Some of these are going to be watermarked and thrown on my dA, possibly... So. : D Snag them before I take them down.