[OOC Information]
Name: Lyra
AIM / E-mail / LiveJournal: lyrangalia
What characters do you play here already, if any? Thomas Raith (
godofcologne )
[IC Information]
Character Name: Ebenzar McCoy
Series: The Dresden Files
Gender: Male
Age: Really old. Somewhere between 275-350 or so. He's stopped keeping track
Species: Human. Wizard.
Appearance: Short and stocky, Ebenezar epitomizes the grumpy old man aesthetic. He has dark eyes, sun-toughened skin, and a scattering of white hair on his scalp, and usually looks like he came from working on a farm. Ebenezar is most often seen wearing worn, steel-toed work boots, denim coveralls, and a simple workshirt or t-shirt. He has a bristly white beard, and sometimes will add a cowboy hat to the mix if it's a particularly hot day out. He has broad, strong hands, scarred by the years, and wears simple, stainless-steel bands around both index fingers. The way Ebenezar carries himself adds to his air of quiet, stolid capability.
Personality: As the White Council's Blackstaff, the one wizard allowed to violate the laws of magic, Ebenezar is a calm, stoic man with an amazing capacity for patience. He knows the weight of his responsibilities, and though he regrets the things he does in the capacity of Blackstaff, he also believes firmly in the innate rightness of the White Council's goals. It is this gravity, this soul-deep understanding of his world and his place in it, that comes across when speaking with Ebenezar. But just because he has an amazing capacity for patience does not mean Ebenezar is soft or forgiving; when roused to anger (say, when his blood is threatened), Ebenezar can be terrifying and swift in exacting retribution. Not only will he kill those who threaten his family, but he'll do it in a way that leaves absolutely doubt of what he is capable of, say... dropping a defunct multiton spy satellite with more precision than a government tactical strike.
The centuries have worn on Ebenezar, and what remains: his love of family, his beliefs in goodness, his regrets, and his determination, are immovable, bone-deep pillars of who he is as a man.
History: To give Ebenezar's full history would take a very very long time, given that there is 300 years or so of history to contend with. It suffices to say that Ebenezar has know the Merlin of the White Council for nearly his entire life, and has held the position of Blackstaff for at least half of it. As Blackstaff, Ebenezar McCoy is the one man sanctioned by the White Council to break any of the Laws of Magic he deems necessary to keep the Council safe. This means he has what amounts to carte blanche to kill, mindwipe, and enthrall anyone who is considered a threat to the council, as well as the ability to perform necromancy, alter time, and summon/deal with beings from beyond the Outer Gates. In his official capacity of Blackstaff, he was responsible for the New Madrid earthquakes (1811-2), the Krakatoa eruption (1883), and the Tunguska event (1908), among others.
Ebenezar McCoy is also the father of Margaret Gwendolyn McCoy LeFay Dresden, and thus the maternal grandfather to Harry Dresden and Thomas Raith. Even after his teaching methods pushed away his daughter, Ebenezar continued to care for and protect his grandchildren from the shadows, with numerous attempts to kill Lord Raith, and only stepping in directly as mentor after Harry killed Justin DuMourne.
Though Ebenezar spent most of his time outside the politicking of the White Council, Harry's precarious position after the start of the war with the Red Court required Ebenezar to accept a position on the Senior Council to save Harry from decapitation. This leads to Ebenezar becoming more thoroughly aware of unseen manipulation within the Council, and spurs him to create the Grey Council, a small group of wizards who are attempting to determine just who (or what) is manipulating the White Council.
After the destruction of the Red Court, Harry has been made aware of his relationship with Ebenezar, but due to his grandsons' current estrangement and the need to keep his relationship to a member of the White Court a secret from the Council, Ebenezar has yet to reveal to Thomas Raith who he is. The fiction remains that Ebenezar views Thomas as one of Harry's untrustworthy sometimes ally instead of as his grandson.
Supernatural Abilities: A member of the Senior Council, Ebenezar McCoy wields enormous magical power. His magic is much more refined than Harry's, though given that he was Harry's mentor and most of Harry's foci seem be influenced by Ebenezar's, it is likely that his talents lie along the same lines as Harry's, except refined and perfected by several centuries of use. That is to say,fire, kinetic force, wind, etc. Ebenezar also possesses the Blackstaff, an artifact of magic that appears to allow its wielder to kill and destroy without suffering the psychological/addictive side effects of black magic. The Blackstaff appears as a long, dark staff of twisted wood, and tendrils of darkness creep up its wielder's arm (and causes some pain/discomfort) the more it is used.
Even limited by Chicago's unique power dampening abilities, Ebenezar still wields a terrifyingly large amount of power (now instead of killing a hundred guards in one swipe, he can only kill fifty, but that's still a lot of killing). However, even though he does have the ability, Ebenezar's wisdom and experience keeps him holding back. He may step in when things get exceptionally tough, but as far as Ebenezar is concerned, what is happening now in Chicago is a young man's game.
Like other Dresden Files wizards, looking Ebenezar in the eye will trigger a Soulgaze, an intense vision of who the other person truly is deep down in their very soul. The Soulgaze, along with the wizarding Sight, show people and the world for what they truly are, and are visions that cannot be forgotten or lost. They stay with a person, with perfect clarity, forever.
Natural Abilities: Like all wizards, Ebenezar possesses an accelerated/perfect healing factor that allows them to heal from almost any injury (though the more extreme ones will take years). For a human, he is also remarkably strong from years of farming and other physically challenging work, and he has considerable skill with animal care and husbandry. Due to his age, Ebenezar possesses skills and knowledge most people of the era don't, including how to field dress wounds, forage in the outdoors for food, load an old-fashioned musket, etc. He is also a practiced shot with a shotgun.
Possessions: Coming to Chicago, Ebenezar has on him two steel rings on his index fingers, which store force siphoned off from every time he moves his arms, a scarred, oak wizard staff, a leatherbound journal, and the Blackstaff, which he can conjure out of thin air.