
Apr 10, 2005 15:05

1. what did you want to be when you grew up? why? an artist, because art is fun and I didnt realize I sucked
2. who was your favorite person to do things with (excluding your parents)? jenna, we had so many good times in 3rd grade
3. did you love school or did you hate it? Why? its ok. There are shitty things and awesome things at school.
4. was your family close? What were your favorite family traditions? kinda. going to aunt lynn's for christmas
5. did you think that being an adult would be cool? yes
1. What was the last dream that you had about? carrying elephant tusks around in florida and having to cover them up with socks so they wouldn't break because it was too hot. But they broke.
2. Does it hold any significant meaning to you?  I want warm weather?        3. Do you dream in color or black and white? color
4. What is the most frightening dream you ever had? aliens or tornadoes. I have those alot.
5. Is there one dream that stays clear in your mind despite the fact it was more than a few years ago? yes, many

1. What is something that you used to believe, but are glad you don't believe anymore? that this one person cared about me
2. Is there something you wish you still believed? What? that I am a good person
3. What experience or person taught you the most about life? parents
4. What area of life would you like to know or understand more about? love
5. What is your most valuable lesson about life so far? always wear a helmet

You wake up one morning, all groggy and tired. As you stumble your way into the bathroom, you look in the mirror and find out that...
1. You're the opposite sex. Besides the obvious playing with the new parts, what would you do? piss in the snow, but I guess thats playing with new parts. make out with a hot gay guy, because theres alot of them
2. You're someone famous. Who and why? Winona Ryder because she dated conor oberst. Actually I don't know/care
3. You're the King (Queen) of the World (no, you're not James Cameron). make out
4. You're no longer in Kansas (or this world) anymore. Where are you? the antartica planet on futurama
5. You have a clone standing next to you and it's going to work/school for you while you get to play hooky. What are you going to do today? its snowing

Fortune Cookie
1. What is your opinion on karma? i dont know
2. If anything, do you think attitude makes any difference? no
3. How has luck/chance/facts-of-life/God/karma/nature treated you so far? better than some, but worse than some. I want things to be better, to be happy
4. What is your opinion of the concept of destinies? real
5. Are both bad and good things needed in order to truly live life? yes, without the bad there is no wy to tell if something is good

1) If you came upon a time machine, where would you go? Would you alter anything? Why? I would change alot of things in my life. Redo stupid mistakes
2) If you managed to capture the Questing Beast, an odd combination of animal forms that is said to know the answers to all questions, what one question would you ask it? Would the answer change anything? Why? Where do people go when they die, it would change how I live
3) You've found yourself a rather obedient genie in a bottle. Make your three wishes. Why, out of everything you could ask for, do these three win out? I'd wish for someone to love ne. I'd wish for me to be happy. I would want to be a model too.                                                                   4) Someone presents you with a working voodoo doll. Do you use it? On who, why, and to what purpose? this one person, they deserves it, to make them not have sex organs, it would be funny
5) Pick a superpower, any superpower. What and why? How would this change your life? to fly, I oculd go places

1. What is the best dessert you've ever had? mango smoothie
2. Is there a dessert that just plain grosses you out? donuts
3. Straight out of the container or with lots of toppings .... green tea ice cream
4. Cookie dough, brownie mix, cake batter or the finished products? cake batter ice cream
5. You've just invented a great new dessert .... what's in it and what is it called? cake batter and green tea ice cream, yummy

1. What is your favorite summer activity? concerys
2. What was one great thing you did this summer?i went to florida
3. When you were a child, what was your favorite summer activity? swimming
4. What has been your favorite summer vacation? florida
5. Summer goes well into September, but when do you feel like it is over? when I get surgery or break my arm. August 16th, when  school starts

1. If you were an alien visiting Earth where would you come from? uranus
2. How would you get here and how long would it take? i would teleport
3. What would you do or say when you got here? i would say "go nuggets"
4. What would be your best judgment about Earth and what would be your worst judgment about Earth? best would be how beautiful colorado is, worst would be how many assholes there are
5. What would you look like? hot

1) Of everything in your wardrobe what do you feel the most comfortable wearing? Why? jeans and sweatshirt. I dont really like my body, plus it is comfy
2) How would you describe your style? comfortable.
3) How many pairs of shoes do you own and do you wear them all? 4 or 5. yeah.
4) Where do you buy most of your clothes? savers or kohls or hand me downs
5) What was the last piece of clothing you bought? flip flops

1) who was your favorite band/musican when you were younger? i dont really remember that well. n sync
2) why? i was stupid
3) are they still your favorite/one of your favorites? not really
4) what is your favorite of their songs? bye bye bye                         5) are there any specific lyrics you hold dear? from anyone? 'IIIIIII wont worry my life away' (reminds me of multiple summers/good times) 'oooheeeoooh I look just like buddy holly' (weezer/they played it in the best restaurant in florida)

Hand writing
1. What color ink pen do you like best? pink
2. Do you prefer plain paper or paper with lines (notebook paper)? lines.
3. What's better: books
4. Which would you rather get, e-mail or snail mail? snail mail
5. Do you have a paper weight on your desk? nah.

1) Do you remember your first kiss? yes
2) How old were you when you had your first kiss? like 8
3) Where did your first kiss occur? at the sock hop
4) Where do you think is the most romantic place to exchange a kiss? the snow (lover in the snow)
5) What type of kisser are you? a bad one

Pick one and explain why
1. Would you rather earn more money or have more time off? more time off, I am lazy and depressed
2. Which is more important, the ends or the means? means.
3. How are our personalities formed, by nature or through nurture? both.
4. Who do you feel closer to, your mother or your father? father
5. Why do you answer these silly questions, out of boredom or out of love of introspection? haha both.

1. What is the creepiest everyday object you know? creepiest? tampons
2. What's the most useful everyday item? pen
3. What's the most useless everday item? clothes, other fact of being cold, why do we need them, like we shoudln't wear them in the summer 4. If the power was out for 24 hours, what would you do? light a candle and listen to my ipod until it died out and then read                                  5. If you had to have one item you use everyday surgically attached to you, what would it be, and why? ipod, music kicks ass

There's a movie being made about your life! Which celebrity will play...
1. you? Why? jena malone. she is pretty, and a good actor
2. your love interest? Why? jake gyllenhaal, hot and a good actor or elijah wood because he is funny
3. your best friend? Why? that red headed girl from the village, she is cool
4. your enemy? Why? hilary duff, she is annoying
5. any family member? Why? mary kate olsen, she is funny

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