wow total faggot. what the fuck are you doin that shit for? you look stupid, and everyone knows it. shut the hell up and stop talking about mic and mat because you know the only reason you talk shit is because ur jealous for one reason or the other..dont ask me why, hell if i know but that is the truth. deny it all you want but basically thats what it boils down if you dont like them then why the hell are u wastin so much time leavin all those stupid your a jealous dumbass pussy. and if your gonna talk shit you might as well do it right? yeah...and they do brush their teeth, trust me, i would know.
i agree, i just say cool!, and go on with my life, but, i use to not like Karen, until i read this, and i agree with her, and i will no longer make fun of a person that takes up for me when someone is talking shit.
Comments 11
2005-01-20 15:32 (link)
u can suck my dick mother fucker notice ur pussy ass has it anonymous. step the fuck up bitch i aint scared!
that still doesnot change that fact that ur a yuck mouth dirty ass!!
ur just mad cuz u know im rite!!! tooth brush man out!!!
shut the hell up you pussy.
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