Title: Maturity
Length: Drabble
Fandom/Characters: Onesided!HeeChul/Onew, Onesided!Onew/TaeMin
Author: TheBlobMaster ^^
Warning: Kinda depressing
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters only the plot
Authors Note:
SM Town Prompt Generator TaeMin wakes up at the sound of someone crashing into the bunk. His eyes shoots open and stares directly into the face of none other than Lee JinKi, his ‘fearless’ leader. The older is smiling like an idiot and drooling, salvia almost dripping, threatening close to TaeMin face. TaeMin glances at the watch, seeing the digitals 3.42 am. “Hyung, what are you -” - “You know what HeeChul hyung said after I confessed to him?”, “You what? Confessed? What, no?” JinKi looked dreamily at TaeMin closing his mouth and smiling sadly “He said: Kid listen, even though I like you and you‘re cute, endearing and everything you should and ought to be. I‘m just. To mean for you. You wouldn‘t stand a chance. Besides, there‘s someone almost as good as me and he‘s younger, sweeter, more suitable” It’s first then TaeMin notices the smell of alcohol and smoke on his hyung. “Hyung, you haven‘t been drinking and smoking have you?” Onew shrugs and just smiles sadly. TaeMin finding this behavior of his hyung disturbing and not at all like his JinKi hyung, lifts the covers up and motions for JinKi to lay down beside him. JinKi complied and lies down, settling his head in the crook of TaeMins neck. TaeMin got a hold around his waist and just held him in his arms. Slowly he felt warm tears drip down on his neck and JinKis body began to tremble as he held in his sobs, not wanting to wake the other three members up as well. Even though he was drunk, he still was the responsible leader of SHINee. TaeMin held him tighter, kissing his hair softly trying to calm him down. He did not like to see his otherwise cheerful hyung in a state like this. It saddens his young heart. When TaeMin saw HeeChul the next time he would give him a piece of his mind, though everybody knew that wasn’t going happen. No one gave Kim HeeChul a piece of their mind. TaeMin respected JinKi for being brave enough to confess to him. Probably drinking to get the courage. He wondered what HeeChul had meant by the whole ‘someone almost as good as me’ thing. It couldn’t be him, right? HeeChul wasn’t talking about TaeMin. No way. TaeMin wasn’t allowed to be thinking such thoughts, with his hyung heartbroken in his arms. “Hyung, look up. Come let me see your face.” He whispered. JinKi slowly lifted his head, eyes swollen and red. Lips the double size from biting them hard, so he wouldn’t let out a sound. TaeMin cupped his cheek and dried the leftovers of tears away with his thumb. “Don‘t cry hyung, it hurts me. You know, I‘ll always be here for you. You can always come to me, for a smile, for a talk, for a shoulder to cry on. I‘m here.” JinKi smiled, not his big ‘everything is fine’ smile, but a smile nonetheless. “Sometimes you‘re just way to mature for your age. I wish I fell for you instead of the ‘Mighty Kim HeeChul of Super Junior’.” He laughed a little before going off to dreamland on TaeMins chest. I wish you did too.
Title: Lifeless Doll
Length: Drabble
Fandom/Characters: Past!Key/TaeMin, Onesided!Key/_____
Author: TheBlobMaster ^^
Warning: Pretty Depressing, Character death
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters only the plot
Authors Note: I hate myself for writing this to be honest
I kissed your hand. I kissed your neck. I kissed your lips. I kissed your eyes, but did I kiss your soul? Did my countless kisses reach your heart? Your Soul? Every time I kiss you, you do nothing, but stare blankly out in the air. Are my kisses that meaningless to you? Don’t you feel anything at all? Did the way I whisper your name KiBum not make you feel anything? Or am I just some kind of doll? No, it would be the other way around. Are you just some kind of doll? You do nothing, but stare. Your face is lifeless, dead. You are a human being, not a doll. Can’t I make you forget him? I’ve tried so hard. Kissing, holding you. I’ve let you cry so many times on my shoulder, clinging on to me screaming his name over and over again. TaeMin, TaeMin, TaeMin. Until your voice go horse. It breaks my heart. Don’t you think I loved him? Don’t you think I miss him too? You never show emotion unless you call for him. You wouldn’t notice me if it weren’t for the fact I forced you to. It’s been four years. Four years! Four years of misery. He didn’t leave you, God took him from you. I’ve found you countless times laying on the floor, beside you blood, pills. Anything you could find to go to him. You will never notice my feelings for you, will you? Next time I find you, I will let you go to your precious TaeMin.