It was a clichéd scene. A park in autumn, fallen leaves coating the ground, a few couples walking and laughing together. Apparently, one had grown tired, and sat down on the bench for a little rest. The blonde was a bit of a cliché herself, big lips and boobs, but the smile didn't match the image, its sincerity and warmth so unbefitting of an ice-type. Tubba looked as he always did, save a smile of his own. Granted, it was smaller, but it radiated happiness. Anyone who walked by might comment about the beauty of young love, and they'd be right. He was in love, and it was the only beautiful thing that had ever happened to him. He reached out to hold her hand, and with a giggle, she took it. Both hands were cold, but Tubba couldn't have noticed if he'd tried.
"Jynx... I think I'm in l-" he started, spurred on by some spontaneity he'd never been aware he possessed, but a finger met his lips momentarily, shushing him.
"Shhh. I know," she interrupted him. Psychic-type as well, something he'd forgotten.
Nonetheless, he spoke up again, his voice faltering at first, but quickly growing more natural as his inhibitions were left behind. "I know you know, but I need to say it. I'm in love with you. No one has ever made me feel the way you make me feel. I've never felt safe before in my life, but just looking at you, I know that life is going to be okay. If I could, I would spend the rest of my life in your arms, just feeling like I don't need to worry about the rest of the world. I wouldn't need to be afraid that everyone hates me, that people are only pretending to be my friends so they can hurt me, that I'm just going to give up and jump off a building at any moment. I wanted to die, but I never feel like that when I'm with you. You give me hope, and courage, and so many things that I've never had. I love you more than anything in the world. I'm sorry for not shutting up about something you already know, but I wanted to say it out loud. I needed to hear it. I love you."
"...Tubba, that's so sweet..." Jynx began, and his already furious blushing nearly grew hot enough to melt the ice Pokemon. " sweet I could barf," her tone took a harsh dip, suddenly guttural and mocking. He blinked his way out of the daze he'd been in, and watched in horror as her features rippled and twisted, her skin growing dark and her hair shrinking to pointed purple spikes. Her grip on his hand tightened, and he felt claw-like nails starting to dig into his skin. Worst of all was the smile, so wide it seemed to stretch right off her face, teeth so white he could see his eyes in them, pupils dilated in fear.
"You didn't think anyone could love you, did you?" Nyx screeched and cackled. "I wanted to die, but I never feel like that when I'm with you!" she mocked him, and try as he did, he couldn't speak or move, no sarcastic barbs or wild swings to defend him. "Come on, Tubba. Let's spend our lives together! Give me your hand!" She laughed, shifting her grip up to his wrist and applying vice-like pressure that crushed and sliced simultaneously, greater pain than he'd felt in any sort of Mu meditation; the hand didn't come off clean, and the blood gushed out, though it was losing ground to the speed of his fast-forming tears.
"Well? Go on, I'm not holding on. Run the fuck away!" The advice was less than friendly, and his legs still seemed frozen in place. "No? Then I might as well take your heart while I'm at it. Symbolic, huh?" The smile somehow widened again as her hand plunged straight into Tubba's chest, tearing the heart out in a single swipe. The normally talkative organ was silent in her hand as he felt that grip a second time, only in two beings at once. The pain was too much for silence, and he let out a pained scream as she crushed his more literal heart. He could feel that his life was fading fast; with no heart, there was no way he could survive. He merely let out shrieks and moans of agony, sitting on a park bench, dying.
Nyx started to laugh again. She didn't even need words, that screeching laugh was more than enough to express her derision. It rang clearly through the autumn air, uninterrupted until a second joined it. "Gwaah ha haa!" Even in his dire state, he recognized that laugh. There she stood in her old Smash Academy uniform, fanning herself as she mocked Tubba's death. Not that he could expect anything else from Bow.
...Of course, he did expect better from Lucas. And Knuckles. And Lash. And Kumatora. And Ana. There the five of them stood, his only friends in the world, laughing at him as he slowly died. Everyone else began to appear as well; Mario and all the other bullies he'd ever known, the rest of the school's population, all the Boos of the mansion and the gulch, parents he somehow recognized despite never having known. Everyone had come to watch him die. A tiny part of him was almost surprised to have garnered so much attention. He stared at Nyx a final time, her features morphing back into Jynx's with a little wave just as everything went black.