
Jul 20, 2010 02:39


Innocence a substance (usually in a crystal-like structure, but also capable of being melted into a liquid or, on the rare occasion, gel) that is capable of creating and sustaining life. Originally exclusively found on the Accommodators' home planet, the legends say that Innocence is capable of 'pulling blood from a stone'. It has been known to create an oasis in the middle of a desert, grow bountiful plant-life in even the driest season, and clear toxins from riverbeds.

Innocence also has the ability to give previously-inanimate objects - primarily machines - life-like qualities; Yu Kanda's Teaseblades, or the Akuma are examples of this.

Those Who Are Compatible With Innocence:
In Accomodators, Innocence can increase one's immune system, and increase the speed in which the body will heal at little or no cost to the person. Only a negligible amount of Innocence inserted into the base of the neck is necessary for this to take place. In the years after the Flood, it was discovered that Accommodators who were inserted with an Innocence shard could also "sense" when they were near the presence of another shard, or another person in possession of one. This has become a key ability in the Order's arsenal to hunt for, and safekeeping of, Innocence.

Golems are small machines synched with a marginal amount of their owner's Innocence, and are used to assist those Accommodators in the Order. Most are only used as telecommunications devices, although some have been very heavily modified to act as weapons.

Those Who Became the Noah:
In the initial years since the flood waters receded, those who banded together to make up what would later known as the Kamelot Family quickly began gathering Innocence, storing it in their bodies for safekeeping. While the additional Innocence made it much easier to adapt to life in the Wastes, the Kamelots began to see very odd and unexpected results: strange abilities in response to the treacherous environment. Stranger still: they began to notice that their bodies had stopped physically aging.

Of course, such power can't come without a price. And in the case of the Kamelots, that price is their mental stability. Becoming increasingly unstable and hostile, the Kamelots now keep the large quantity of Innocence in their control heavily fortified, and guarded by Akuma.

Akuma are machines designed by the Noah and brought to life via shards of Innocence combined with alchemy. Most have been programmed to ruthlessly defend the Innocence that is in possession of the Kamelot family, while others with more human-like designs are programmed to serve the Family. There are a few Akuma that are designed to seek and retrieve Innocence shards as well, using the "sensing" abilities of the Innocence.

*ooc: world info

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