(no subject)

Jun 05, 2006 21:45


thought: expression of free will
talk: nonexistent

world: dying
cosmopolites: living in vain

meaning: personal interpretation of value
in: inside of, located inside of
abundance: a person/location/object unto itself, unto itself, unto itself
meaning in abundance: appreciation of life/surrounding details

present: handle/grip to the future
past: aid in handling/gripping the future

high frequency monitor voice speaking
distraction from sleep; severe

allow sound, add tune
hide noise, subtract distraction

one of few abilities equal in greatness to see/touch/feel/hear/experience
best/worst gift given to man; basis of create/destroy (beginning of end)

minute: noticably long
hour: dreadfully long
day: insensibly long
lifetime: immeasurably short

despondence: downbeat, downhearted, blue devils hand in hand
location: vast fields, droplets, sunlight crawl position

true: falsetto voice [(false)tto voice]
false: funereal [fune(real)]
conviction: melancholy

honor: to be rebirthed as an echo across countless planes, littered with people
dishonor: to be revived as gossip that does not echo, but creeps inward and outward from ear to ear

fatigue: required for motivation
excess energy: excuse to do nothing at all

world/earth: environment filled with boundless beauty, yet also containing the ugliest things imaginable

problem: we are born as humans, with amounts of opportunity and fortune incomparable to that of any other species, yet we waste it all. we are all given the chance to turn our lives around and eliminate any misfortune dealt to us. we are all given the chance to do great things and to make great changes. there is a line, distinctly separating us apart from other animals. at this point, that line has reduced in width, existing as nothing more than a hair.

solution: it's up to us to discover a solution.

question: why does this happen to all the wrong people?
answer: n/a
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