(no subject)

Jun 05, 2006 17:49

I am as anxious as I am fearful in observing attempts to find
meaning in the world surrounding us. It seems that far too often,
justice, virtue, hope and passion don't seep through to give hope
and rescue those who have not yet discovered that trophy. Truth is
measured only by your own judgement of its legitimacy.

The truth, as I see it, is that we are born without meaning.

We live without meaning. We die without meaning. There is no meaning,
until we create one for ourselves. In every moment, we only know
ourselves and we only know the people around us. It is up to us to do
something worth our while, and it's our choice to decide how much
achievement we are willing to die with.

It seems that we get either what we want, or what we don't deserve.
Sometimes, what we want is exactly what we don't deserve. Although
the path we walk may cut our feet, it is a good path.

It leads to our own personal truths; we need only to step up.
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