Title: Coexistence
Series: Naruto
Rating: K+
Characters: Sasuke/Sakura
Word Count: 189; Flashfic
[Written for
alphabet_love; 08. hourglass and also for
twinbells’ birthday]
She counts the time that he has been gone, but the sand by the river is not enough for the hours or the days. Every time she opens her mouth to say his name, there’s a little something he left behind, unwashed and untouched like a birthmark. She goes to the streams every week to sit and reminisce; though she understands how foolish she may look, she always thinks that forgetting his presence and name is a sin she cannot be forgiven for.
She ends up coming back no matter what, against her exhaustion, against doubt-on sunny days and in the rain and snow. It is when the afternoon clouds drift over the darkened leaves of autumn that she makes a promise, not to anyone else but to the pebbles and birds nearby, that one day she will bring back and show them her broken beloved.
(She does all this, she commits and devotes and leaves so damaged, without knowing that he sometimes dreams of her tears in his hands on the other side of the world, the water clearly gathered as though a spring rain came by.)