aight, so someone needs to find me some romance. now!
and please make it someone who will run through piles of crunchycrunchy leaves!
i miss that lovin feeling, baby. <3
♥ the people i ♥
yes, live. we need to go shopping. after that you can die. haha just kidding dont die till i die please.
evan you do realize if you die there will be a long chain reaction, starting with me, until the world is empty.
like MEN AT WORK said: who can it be now?
who will i attach myself to next? pray it's you, baby, cuz i've decided to go gay.
haha, oh evan!
:credits roll down screen:
you sound happy, i think, and i like that
<3 <3 <3
i love you too, and i will just tell myself that i am that sweetie cause i like to pretend. its more fun that way.
dude you liar, you told me to call you mark in class today. pfff
1-we pre-school for the first time!!! and then this year b/c of school (yucka)
2-no shirt...yeah
3-see you cry...yeah, awww
4-you in 4 adjectives...
5-day together...we would snuggle, duh. maybe a wee spot of tea as well
6-fight...ummm i yell at you all the time, haha.
7-present...jordan sex
8-there is no 8 silly!!!
9-think of you...i love you and you are the best person in the world (hows that for flattery)
11-tell you...well you know my life and if you need to know something that i haven't told you that you know how to get me to spill.
12-make out-if you were about to die, haha
13-i dont you hate to be tickled
13. name one thing you dont like about me: you're almost too cool for me
whatevz slam piece
yonic south
and many people thought we were having sex. that's fine.
hahaha so hilarious. good times.
that sucks about your diver's license :/
sorry about that...
anyway it was good to see you <3
we were having sex.....
imma wear a t-shirt for you. so eff the fuck off.
wow, now thats love
yeah it is. i love you.
you are more than adequate baby <3