so what has happened in the land of robyn or my alterego, thecatgoesmoo, since i updated... well if you wait, i'll tell ya! My main addiction right now is: *cue dramatic ticking* 24!!! I love jack bauer!!!! he's old but he's hott... its wierd!
My mu came to visit it me today and it was looads of fun, you don't realise how much you miss people until you see them again after ages. I did have some resentment against my mum before i left at the start of uni, but i think thats just because i was getting older and wising up to how much shit there is going on in my family... but when you don't live with the issues anymore its fun/lovely to see them again. She came at like 12 ish with a whole care package of things for me, like: a giant david tennant poster for my wall (omg i almost died when i saw this), a giant kungfu monkee poster, a toasted sandwhich maker, lots of monkee stationary, the oscar on tape (finally, i've been wanting to watch this for ages!!!), funky socks and pants etc etc
So i took her into town and a 2 course meal at TGI Friday (i'm still full now!!!) then did some shopping and i finally got a new fone!!!
it's sooooo preety! dont you want to stroke it???? when you slide it open it makes this cizool tingly noise and when i get foned it has this funki ringtone thats goes "beee-booop doodoolle doo!" kinda like a jazz/ska guy jamming! ^-^ heheheh or you can have the funki song off of the t-mobile adverts! :) and best of all it was free (yesss for free upgrades!!) and then after that we went to nottingham castle... but it was kinda almost closed so we just walked around a bit and went to the gift shop.. i got a robin hood figure, i like to be cliche! :)
annnnddddd thennnn..... we went to asda! if i had anymore food i could be a supermarket! ^-^
tomorrow (if i can swing it) were either going to this robin hood adventures or to ikea!!!! both are equally fundoodletastic!
(nelly: please fone mum, the quicker you do it the quicker everything will be gooooooooood!!!)
It's my flatmate petes 20th birthday next saturday (and his twin brothers john, who goes to cambridge! happy bday tooo!), he's going to be like technically 2 years older then me (old git) but we bought him one of those new sony psp's and were going to a a hiphop gig (i've never been to one so it should be ace!)! one thing i have noticed though that ever since i started hanging out with all my northen friends from leeds and other places in the north... we've made liek this mixeded up slang! Its like london by way of leeds by way of slough mixed together in the pot of nottingham.... hhehehe i get to call people duck and not get looked at oddly! :) well more wierdly then usual!!!!
In a uni related note, i had a big film presentation on tuesday that went sooooo well!!! I got a 2.1 overall, which is like a B, i made a boardgame that i made our group play and it was loooads of fun... my group said that my movie questions were too hard but most people got them so yey us!!!! ^-^ nowww... i actually have to write a essay aboot it for tuesday! *le sigh* last essay till after easter!!! *phew*
ok... im going to grab some much... because i want to and my cubboard is FULLLLLL!!!! ^-^ and watch the rest of the oscars... i didnt find out the results but jake gyllenhaal should of got best supporting me thinks, brokeback is one of the best movies of this year by far!