yey, i'm 19 + 1 day...w0000t! :D

May 09, 2006 14:54

so it is offical...

I'M OLD!!! AHHhhhhHH!!

not really, but i'm now 19+1 day... almost an adult but never gonna be! but i had one of the cooliest days ever yesterday! :D

so this is what i got so far:
1. Dragon Quest: the journey of the cursed king, i got this cool ps2 game off of pete! we were looking at trailers for it a while back and i loooved and he bought it! it's created by the guy who does dragon ball z so its like dragonball z/ final fantasy... soo cool! :D
2. a chocolate monkee egg from pete and nads, its says "apy birthday" on it... heheheh it seems bad to eat it really!
3. i got a bad mother fucker wallet from nads, if you've seen pulp ficition it's sam jackson's wallet and inside was all our pictures! sooo funky! ^-^
4. a bad taste bear from nads, its like this funki key ring with this bear dressed up as a gimp and her name is victoria... which is my middle name! creepy!
5. metal coca cola sign from sarah and archie, it's sooo cool it says "have a coke" and has a picture of this blonde girl with blue eyes and a bottle of coke...i.e me!
6. pushkin666 wrote me a mcshep story and it's soo funky it's here:
7. my parents gave like £50 so that was good!
8. nad's bought me loads of lunch, with pringles, samosa, jalabi (this cool indian sweet which i haven't had since my results day and i fucking loove it!), funki pistachio indian sweets, coke and a funki egg sandwhich! it was tastyful! :D

the post is crap so stuff from my bro, sis in law and schoolio friends hasn't come yet! :D but my birthday was sooo coolies!

so we had this whole plan for my bithday, we've all been super poor and haven't gone out in like 2 months so this is the first time in ages, we got a bunch of my friends from my flat, course and other random people we've met along the way! ordered a bunch of pizza, drank some wine and chilled out till aboot 9pm-ish, then we ordered a bunch of taxi's and went to revolution, it's this vodka bar chain thingy. We crammed like 15 people into this booth, it was me, nads, pete, sarah, archie, sonal, simon, nick, jess, dave, rachel, herb, paul, gabbi and someone i didn't really know. Age ago me and nad's bought these buy one get oen free drinks vouchers and they work at revolution (half of the point of going there!) and i had like 10 vodka shots of various flavours (most birthday cake flavour) and then nick made me this wierd green drink that was a pint of different spirits and stuff... i think, not quite sure what was in it. But it was looads of fun, and i got to hang out with all my nottingham friends i've like met since fresher's week and stuff!

so after a gazillion drinks, at like 12-ish we went to this club down the street called oceana. Now i love to dance to cheesy music, but oh my god i was glad i was half drunk at this point! but it's sad because one of my friends nick didn't get in because he didn't have id, so he got in a taxi and came back with dom's (a friend off of my course) id but didn't get in on that and got it taken off of him.... but i didn't know this until like 2am! i felt really bad. but i had 2 more beers and 2 of those wierd orange vodka alco pop thingys that people kept buying me. first we went in the r'n'b room to get drinks and stuff then we went to the cheesy room! by this time i was preety drunk i think, i take my alcohol preety well so it did take alot to get me there!

so i jumped and danced to the cheesy music, had another drink of something! but then these wankers came upto me and go "it's my mates birthday will you make out with him" and i'm like "fuck off it's my birthday, and i'm not doing that shit!" and then he went after my best friend nads and pete (is my other best friend and her boyfriend) got pissed and the guy backed off! but on a high note, this really really hott guy off my course gave me hugs and kisses for my birhtday, weee! :D so we left the club at like 2.30am, got back to the flat found nick and then we just chilled out, got stoned till like 5am and now i'm half dead and have a seminar at 1pm.... grrrrr! but this is my last lesson of my first year, so i should really go...

... woah, i'm growing up well fast!

it's also my friend sonal's birthday on thursday and archie's birthday on sunday so i get to go out most of this week, weeeeee! :D

random add on, i went to alton towers last week and it was soooo coooolllsss! :D we got on all the big roller coasters in the first 2 hours because there were nooo ques! weeeee! so i'm just putting this really funny foto on the end of my post! it me and my friends who went to alton towers ( a couple are missing though because they have stoopid essays to give in!)

ok from left to right it is: pete in the black jumper, nads in the stripey blue and white jumper, sonal in the white and green tshirt, me with the tigger i won, sarah with her head sticking out, dom with the wooly hat on and these 2 random girls that hung around with us all day and i'm not quite sure what their names are and simon is taking the foto! weee..... good day, with sunshine! :D

dancing, birthday, drinking

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