so i am back in the land of the merry england! did ya miss me?
soo this was one of the most chilled, funki holidays i had in ages! i was a little apprehensive to go at first because i hadn't seen this side of my family for at least 11 years, but with the flights costing £5 each way who cares! my dad had this great plan that since i hadn't been seen by my aunt veronica since i was 8 that i should walk out of arrivals in cork airport first and see if she notices... so after collecting our bag (which of course was last, fecking baggage people!!!) i strolled out of the doors and went straight to the other end dragging this heavy-ish bag we had; then my dad strolled out and walked straight pasted my aunt. Well it was my understanding that my aunt was short and had longish brown hair (this is the description my dad gave) but in fact she had short blonde hair and even my dad couldn't recognise his own sister... heheheh! we're a special family!
but the week flew by and i've never been soo spoilt in my life, every two minutes i was either being bought something or being fed. hehehe the language barrier is umm interesting, i mean they all speak english its just the speed in which they speak... i got used to it over the week but in the first few days most conversations were:
a relative: "mynameisdorrisandimyour5000cousinandiliveincountycorkandiliketodrinkboozekjenhrflskjdskfhsljdfskhfn"
me: *blinks and nods*
a reltive:"whatdoyouthinkabootitrobyn?"
me: *smiles, nods and laughs* *then runs away*
lol, i figured out that i must be somehow related to i dunno aboot *ponders* 90% of ireland, the amount of cousins i have is rediculuous!!! i think if we rallyed them all together i could have a small force to take over the world! :D
it can be scary how much your realtives are like you, take my aunt veronica every two minutes she was saying how much i reminded her of her daughter and herself lol! what i really loved was that my aunt's house had sky digital and broadband, w00t! :D and she love big brother, so i had someone to moan aboot it with and get on my side aboot pete winning it!! i never expected to
wednesday: i went shopping with my aunt in this huge-ish shopping centre wayyyy on the outskirts of cork and we went to tescos to get veggie food!
thursday: went to the pub with my dad, my aunt veronica and uncle damien.. heheh i've got soo many blackmail stories aboot my dad now! *evil grin* and i know how to cheat in poker
friday: i went shopping again but in this smaller shopping centre and i bought some dvds, wooo! i got hitch and monty python's life of brian!
saturday: i went and saw pirates 3 (again) with my dad and my aunt, had chinese food (wierd irish chow mein) and rented "failure to launch" which was chick flick-tastic... but if i see pirates 3 again before comes out on dvd i'm going to chew off my own leg and beat someone up with it! i like it but i've seen it 3 times in like 2 weeks *cries*
sunday: went to cove which is actually spelt cobh... so i couldn't say it! and had a look around the place where the titanic made it last stop before it sank, it was actually really interesting! and i bought a lucky leprichaun called finnegan for good luck at uni next year!
monday: went shopping (again) in cork town centre, which was huge!! i bought this cool purple stripey jumper, black top and green spotty dress in a shop called pennys (which is the irish version of primark) and bought more dvds, w00t, i got dodgeball and minority report!
tuesday: packed, got a sexay new hair cut, i think its cool especaially since i have no more roots... but it was funny i went to my aunt likes private hairdresser and they only take one client at a time so i had 2 women cutting my hair and at one point on my right this woman was blow drying my hair and on my left with woman was straightening it and im sitting there trying to read this trashy magazone aboot some woman who had a tummytuck or something! then to the airport and i bought myself a huge white chocolate tobelrone, yummmy!
now i'm home thinking aboot what new songs to download! :D
when i retire i'm sooo moving to ireland, everyone is nice its soo relaxed and not rushed!!! i suggest everyone go there! but theres a few things i learnt aboot our family the cannons, if your a true cannon you:
a) can hold you drink and love your drink
b) love potatoes
c) love swearing
d) probably have some kind of addiction
e) can laugh aboot anything!
But I think the Irish are totally trying to make up for the fact they had a potato famine, i've never had soooo many potatoes in my life!!!!!! i would put like one small one on my plat and then my aunt would take that and replace it for 3 big ones, saying that those were the best potatoes and that i should feed myself up before i go back to uni!
but the thing i loooved most aboot this holiday was the fact i got closer to my dad, my dad is the usual quiet, caring dad but i learnt loads aboot him! like he won a gold medal for cooking in like the 80s at the cooking olympics (i didn't even know there was a cooking olympics) and how much i'm like him and my irish family!! which i loooove, laid back irishness rules! :D
now i have to go find the box for my mobile fone, which i assume i threw away because i know what i'm like... but its broken!!! damn the slideyness, i loved you and you treat me badly!!!! *cries* but now i'm using my ye olde purple nokia brick with a spongebob ring tone! :D
*sings* who lives in a pinapple under the sea???