Dear Janis,
I did not want you to have to read this letter. I’m sorry, but the fact that you have received this means that I have died. I don’t know if this is the right way for you to learn this but thought it would be best if you heard it from me first. I can explain better than anyone why it happened, after all.
Many months ago, Leon and I devised of a plan to put an end to what was happening, to stop the coming war. We saw no other option. Leon was set on killing the leader of the Death Eaters and I couldn’t let him do it alone. This goal seemed to be the only thing keeping him alive and I needed him to be alive. Either way, I couldn’t let him destroy himself. I’m his brother. It’s my job to protect him, to defend him, to stand by him no matter what.
If you are reading this, we have failed. I’m sorry, Janis. I’m sorry for everything. Sorry for failing, sorry for leaving you. Sorry for making you cry. I love you and I never wanted to hurt you. But trying to put a stop to this madness, trying to save our future, our classmates, our families, our friends -- it was worth the risk. It was worth dying for.
There is so much I can’t say in this letter. I wish I had more time. I wish I was with you. I wish everything would have worked out. I wish none of this would have had to happen, but it did. After a certain point, the path was set. I had no choice. I didn’t want to keep this from you, but I know if you knew you would try to stop me. It’s selfish, immature, stubborn and thick-head of me, but there’s was nothing for it. I couldn’t not do it.
Mourn me, but move on. I want you to fall in love again. I want you to get married to a nice bloke, have babies, everything we’ve talked about. I want these things for you, Janis, even if I can’t be there to give them to you. I don’t want you to live with my ghost hanging over you. I want you to be happy.
I love you, Janis. If there is a place to wait, I’ll be waiting for you. Don’t hurry.
All my love,
Dear Mum and Dad,
I know that the contents of this letter will be shocking to you, but I have to ask that you remain calm and pay close attention to what I’m saying.
Tonight, Leon and I are carrying out something we have been planning for months. Shortly after Leon realized his mistake in joining the Death Eaters, he was determined to kill the so-called Dark Lord, in order to save others. I tried to talk him out of it, but when he wouldn’t yield, I had no choice but to guantee he wouldn’t be alone in it. For him to go up against this bastard alone would be suicide, but I hope that the two of us together, with the training we have been undergoing these last few months, will have a chance. I pretended to be sympathetic to Andre’s ideals in order to learn more advanced magic from him, particularly Occlumency and other things they dare not teach at Hogwarts.
Tonight, we go through with it. So, I implore you, DO NOT TRY TO COME AND FIND US. By the time you read this, everything will have already taken place as fate dictates. What I must ask you to do is LEAVE ENGLAND IMMEDIATELY. Whether we succeed tonight or not, it is likely that people may come to the house with the intention of doing you harm. Leave. Go to France. I doubt they would bother you at the Eytinge manor, but even so, it might be prudent to hide somewhere we have no connection to.
Hopefully we will join you soon. If not, know that we love you dearly and hoped to make you proud by doing this. We’re sorry it had to turn out this way, but whatever Leon or I do, we must be together in doing it. I couldn’t save him from getting involved with this mess, so it’s only fair that I join him in trying to get out of it.
Your son,