OOC: The long overdue verse post.

Mar 03, 2010 02:15

It's time to update this, in case I start writing prompt responses or just fun little fiction pieces about them. These storylines occur in different rpgs, journals, and museboxes, but I reserve the right to prompt about any of them at any time.

These are Claire's active verses as of March 3, 2010:

[No Redemption]: Formerly 'Canon' verse. Claire followed the third season of Heroes, and got a little help from her friends. This is really the default verse of the journal. This is also the verse where she healed John Allerdyce (john_movinon) in April of 2008, and dated well-adjusted!Sam Winchester.

In this verse, Nathan Petrelli is still alive, Sylar is still out there, and the majority of Season Four happened (minus a little girl-on-girl action - she had a boyfriend!). She's currently learning to live with the consequences of her actions at the start of "Brave New World. And she might be thinking about taking her friend Sam (of the Witwicky variety; 10secsofsilence) up on his offer to get her far, far away from the crazy people.

[El Dorado]: This verse will be based off of interaction in eldorado_rpg. Claire is currently rooming with Sylar (godlikesin) and is raising Noah Gray (oheybuddy) with him. They're an old married couple on a good day, and on a bad one...you don't even want to know. Other Heroes cast members in the game include Nathan, Noah Bennet, Peter, Emma, Adam, and Angela, but Claire will hopefully branch out beyond this group as soon as I have the time to dedicate to speedy tags.

[Equinox]: Heroes mixed with Sanctuary, Dark Angel, and Twilight. Claire and Peter (makeshisownway have been living in Washington for eight years, and work with Helen Magnus (notanemptymotto) whenever they are needed. They receive information about the Sanctuary via a messenger (the dazzling dayofcentury), and are currently trying to keep Max Guevera (hopeisforlosers) out of harm's way.

They are also dealing with a newly resurrected Nathan Petrelli (the_flyingman), who has missed eight years of their lives and doesn't realize his daughter is now an adult. (Okay, he's pretending not to notice, but it's the same damn thing.)

[Resistance]: Taken by a mysterious man right before the tragic events of I Am Become Death, Claire has started to travel with her 'captor'; the Doctor (donttouchthebb). She's too angry at the world to stay in the one she belongs in, and he is determined to set things right for her.

[Rebuilding]: Claire is struggling with the understanding she reached with Sylar in Pass/Fail, as the two of them work with Peter to find a way to bring Nathan back. They're also trying to get away from the media attention Claire is getting after her ferris wheel jump, with the help of Sam Witwicky and Helen Magnus.

[No Rest for the Wicked]: Claire is trying to help the members of the Sullivan Brothers Carnival to get away from Samuel, while Sam Winchester (kamikazetrick) is looking for a way to rescue his brother from Hell.

[Open]: New, because it makes sense. I'll tag a lot of memes and stuff this way so that you can pick the verse you want to respond to.

Have a question? Want me to add a verse? Cool, just comment here.
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