Today, you all get a special treat: photos of Annie's kittens.
Kittens are born blind, deaf, and toothless. Their primary skills are suckling and crawling. At seven to ten days, their eyes open, and at about two weeks, so do their ears. At three weeks their teeth start to come in and they begin to walk.
First, all five of them, age one week: Near (white, top), Mello (white w/grey ears, lower left), Teru (brown tabby, right), L/Elle (black & white tux, center), and Gevanni (grey & white, bottom).
And a close-up of Teru. I'm sorry it's blurry, but hey - you try holding a writhing, squealing kitten in one hand and taking a photo of it with the other.
Jenova and Sophie were "helping" me take pictures.
By four or five weeks, kittens can walk, run, use a litter tray, and eat solid food, though they're still nursing. They are also discovering that they have the ability to bite things that are not food, and use this magical new power whenever the chance arises.
Gevanni and L (and my mother's hand). (At this age, all kittens' eyes are blue.)
L, being a genius detective, investigates the camera further.
Teru: putting the "cute" back in "prosecutor."
Sophie provides the feline equivalent of a wet wipe.
Mello attacks my foot with great enthusiasm.
Mello (left) and Near (right). And part of my mom, again.
Somehow, I managed to not get a single picture of Annie. XD I'll fix that next time.