I'd normally include a disclaimer about here...but most of you know me well enough to know that I'm not bashing artsy stuff (well, not all of it)...so I'll leave it at that.
Poetry. Now, I like some poetry...it's pleasing to the ear, pleasing to read, and often-times quite meaningful. However, what bugs me about some of these poetry readings...is that the words coming out are sometimes just...drivel. Seriously! Some poems can even sound "deep" but if people are actually asked what's deep or meaningful about it...they would have little to say.
I suppose it's partly who I am. I've heard it from a few close friends and past friends that I always seem to be looking for the meaning or reason behind words said, or actions done...that I'm not very random. (Yes, this whole post only continues that...and even delves deeper into that as I'm now reasoning for why I reason.) This trait about me has driven some mad and amused others to no end.
The fact of the matter is...if there is no reason, even a minute reason...the activity is pointless and...well...meaningless. Don't get me wrong, now...I'm not saying there has to be a good reason or even a very valid reason...but there has to be a reason. Let's take games for example. Their reason is entertainment, easing the wait until another activity. That is reason enough...but to do something for no reason...doesn't make sense. There has to be a reason...even if the reason is "to try it out", "to see for myself", or even "because I thought it might be fun". However, "because I wanted to" is not a valid reason. It's a lead in to the real reason behind the desire. There must be reason or meaning to life's actions...or else all is just chaos and the pointlessness of things would just be depressing. :P
So there it is...my little epiphany about myself and reasons behind why I always want to know the reason behind things.